Buried Alive

Written By Mister Gu on Monday, June 29, 2009 | 3:14 PM


I have a story about being buried alive which I would like to share on this site with everyone.

I was born in Longobucco, the Cosenza province of Calabria, Italy. This is a story that my mother told me. My mother is 93 years old, she was born in Longobucco in 1916. This story she told me took place there in 1929. They had neighbors who were a husband and wife with children. I am not sure of the children's ages though.

One day, the husband had come home after work, to find his wife lying on the floor - she was dead. They called the doctor who pronounced her dead, then they called the priest to administer the last rites. At that time and region it was the family who personaly washed the dead. They would then put the body into a coffin and take it to the chapel. (The dead were not guarded at the house). The chapel is situatated next to the caretaker's house. The cemetary is located 40 km away. The body was placed in the chapel, and that night the caretaker started to hear noises and someone screaming. The caretaker, was too afraid to go and look, as he probably thought that it was the "undead".

The next morning, the caretaker waited until everyone had come for the ceremony to pay their respects for the deceased. The caretaker told the priest what he had heard the following night. The priest asked the family to open the coffin. They opened it and found the woman covered in blood! She had scratch marks all over her face, and had torn out most of her hair. She had woken during the night, she wasn't dead and I imagine that she realized where she was and that she had been buried alive. They didn't know if at that time if she died of suffocation or if she had a heart attack from fright.

Today in Italy, to avoid being buried alive, they now keep the dead at home for 3 days (they don't embalm). If you don't want to keep the body, they will take it to the chapel to wait until the service and funeral.

This is a true story that my mother has told me. I would like to know if anybody else has ever heard of anyone being buried alive?

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By Giuseppe, copyright Giuseppe, 2009 @World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales.
Pic by Wayne Ridsdel, copyright, Wayne Ridsdel, 2009 @World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales.

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