Dracula's Castle For Sale

Written By Mister Gu on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 | 9:05 AM



If you'd like to purchase a haunted castle then look no further. This is now up for sale for a reported $80 million. (At least this 'was' for sale at time of writing this article 21/05/2014).

Why is it said to be haunted? Many thousands of people lost their lives around the area in the most gruesome way possible. And when it was recently turned into a hotel, guests often ran from their rooms, claiming they had seen something horrible. This is why:

Known as Dracula's castle due to one time residents, Prince Vladimir II of Wallachia and his family, who belonged to a secret society called, Order of the Dragon (dragon is spelled Dracul in Romanian). The order consisted of a group of Slavic rulers intent on preventing Turks of the Ottoman Empire taking over their land.

The castle was built in 1377 at the entrance of a mountain in central Romania. When it was taken over by Prince Vlad's brutal son, Prince Vlad III - better known as, Vlad the impaler (1431 - 1476) he didn't drain from the necks of his victims like traditional vampires, but used blunt stakes driven through the anus and up their backs, avoiding vital organs. This method ensured an excruciating death as Vlad liked to watch his victims writhing in agony while eating his dinner.

What caused Vlad the impaler to carry out such barbaric acts?

Vlad and his brother had been taken hostage in their youth by the Turks, in order to keep their father from attacking. During this time, their father, Vlad II had tried to bargain for their release. This was not accepted by the Order of the dragon and he was buried alive when his people betrayed him to the enemy. 

Vlad was released as hostage, after he convinced the Sultan of Turkey he had converted to the Islamic religion and would be better use to the Sultan ruling Wallachia and keeping peace. But this was not the case and Vlad wanted to avenge his father's murder. He invited around 500 unsuspecting people involved in his father's betrayal to a fine feast at the castle. After the meal, Vlad called for his soldiers. They impaled each guest while Vlad drank the blood, draining from the victims.

Vlad continued with the impalement executions for almost all crimes during his rule and it is estimated hundreds of thousands lost their lives this way. Hardly surprising when Turkish enemies advanced and saw the thousands of impaled bodies they called, forest of the impaled, they made a hasty retreat. For this reason he is remembered by many as a powerful ruler of his country. But many consider him as a bloodthirsty brute.

Vlad was 45-years-old when he died in battle at the hands of the Turks. His army was outnumbered and he was beheaded. The head was taken back to the Turkish Sultan, who had it impaled on a spear outside his palace.

By J Stevens


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