Don't Let Our Prime Minister Bring Back Fox Hunting

Written By Mister Gu on Sunday, March 8, 2015 | 12:32 AM

Don't let our prime minister bring back fox hunting - please sign petition Why? Some very good reasons...

I know this is a paranormal site, but it gets good traffic, so where better than to put this here. Thanks for understanding.

About this Petition

Why is this at the forefront of Cameron's mind? The problems in this world - second fiddle are they? Does watching innocent animals getting mutilated by hounds give him an adrenalin rush before being driven off to parliament?

The Chase - Hunters find a fox and pursue the utterly terrified animal for an average of 20 minutes. If the fox reaches its Den, the BLOOD sport is supposed to stop. Digging a fox out of its hole, they tell you, is 'bad sport' - LIE - they do this. After reaching inside Den, Master of hunt grabs it by scruff of neck and throws into the snarling pack of hounds. I have seen this on video and I am trying to find it. Never forgotten fox's screams as huntsman held it up a good while - seeming to prolong its suffering before being thrown. I can't find the video as it seems to have vanished all of a sudden (wonder why?). Just research. I uploaded another video about supporters being abused - not working. Google - youtube, 'Marles attacks monitor'.

The Kill - Before the hounds catch the fox, the huntsman tries to save the fox so he can kill it. But if the hounds get there first, they rip the fox apart and this isn't an instant death. The hounds have to tear enough of its body flesh and muscle away before they reach vital organs.

Why not shoot (if you must) - a quick kill? 100K signatures for parliament. Please help. Ghandi - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated".

Petition update 9th March 2015:

870 signatures in 38 hours. It's really kicking off now with approx 2 - 3 signatures every minute. 1,105 facebook shares and 148 twitter shares.

Thank you to all on here who signed this and shared.

Here's a happy ending to a fox saved from the hunt. He was brought to the vets and it was discovered its kidneys were failing because of the terror he had endured:

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