Contacting The Dead Is Wrong?

Written By Mister Gu on Thursday, March 12, 2015 | 3:47 PM

This was posted under 'Dangers Of Ouija Boards' and I thought it deserved a post of its own, so here it is:

The most vehement and compelling tale came to me while I was working in a small arts community in New Mexico. I was part of tight group of friends who gathered each night in a saloon there. One night I was regaling them with my repertoire of ghost tales. All of a sudden a fellow I will call, Jay said, "Aw, bullshit!", and got up and started to walk away. He turned around and pointed to me and said, "I want to talk to you". SO, I finished the tale and went over to Jay, who was over a drink at the bar. Knowing what upset him, I said, "Jay, I am very sorry if those tales upset you."

"Well, you should not tell ghost stories. They summon the spirits close. They can hear us, you know. If you want that I can tell you plenty of ways to do so. But once summoned, they will never leave you alone!" Jay also explicitly warned about summoning evil to your presence with  the use of Ouija boards.

He told me that his brother actually had been a professional exorcist, in Colorado. His brother had exorcised spirits who had followed Jay's whacked-out girlfriend for 20 years after she fell off a deep-sea pier - nearly drowning. She was freed, but then the spirits began to follow his brother. It was intense enough that these demons tried to kill him, including grabbing the wheel of his car and running it off the road. He only found relief above 10,000 feet in elevation, so, according to Jay, his brother lived high in the Front Range in a cabin above Boulder.

Jay finished by explaining what spirits, demons and ghosts really are. It was strikingly similar to the explanations offered on this site. These entities are beings trapped in another dimension - trying to return to this plane by attaching themselves to living beings or imitating the (often repetitive) actions of the lives of the dead. This explains some of the often repetitive movements and locations of revenants.

He said that shamans in every civilization eventually comes to these conclusions.

"Jay, are you still mad at me?" I said.

"No, but remember what I said about this".

I replied, "I won't ever do that in your presence again."

"Just don't do it, for your own safety. Now let's have a drink."

Years later, I am still reluctant to tell of my family's and my own brushes with the otherworldly. I am not much of a Christian, but knowing that evil is that close makes one believe in the power of Invoking the Lord.

Now, I only heard this story. I can't verify a thing, other than I was told it. However, that night changed my life, and makes me stop and think when talking of these things.

By JHC, copyright 2010 JHC @ World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales

Is Contacting The Dead Wrong?

What Are Demons?

About Mister Gu