This true ghost story I am about to tell you concerns mainly two members of my family.
My thoughts that paranormal activity may have been to blame for this started when my father went back to the house, situated in Devon to check for mail. On his return, he had some very alarming news to tell us.
During his visit to that house, the old lady who was now living there after her son and daughter-in-law refused to live there any more after buying it from my family, told him what had been going on.
The lady started off by asking my father if he had ever had anything strange happen in the house before they sold it to her son and his wife. He answered, ‘not that I am aware of’ (if I can point out here, my father worked away all of the time, with very brief times of leave). The lady went on to describe that when her son and his wife had bought the house off my father, her son very quickly developed mental problems which affected his ability to work and function in normal day to day life. He also turned from a happy go lucky person into moody and sometimes nasty and aggressive, which was not his normal demeanour in any way.
The old lady told him that her son had never before had any mental problems or any interest whatsoever in the paranormal and was therefore very shocked when he told her he was sure there was something evil in the house, which made its presence known only to him. He eventually asked for her help - knowing that she had practised dowsing as a hobby at certain times during her life.
During her dowsing investigation, high energy areas were detected at the top of the stairs and in the bedroom with a chimney breast…especially in the chimney area.
The lady told my father, she became even more concerned when the house her son and his wife had scrimped and saved to put a deposit on was no longer somewhere they wished to reside. Soon after telling her this, they moved out and into pokey rented accommodation above a shop. The son’s mental state returned to a somewhat normal level, but the effects had an effect on their relationship, which she feared would be irretrievable.
In order to help her son and his wife, the lady offered to buy the house from them. She moved in some time later and continued her investigation. After repeatedly receiving signals of high energy levels around the chimney breast area, she decided to have the chimney checked out. It was discovered that a gooey substance was clinging to the walls of the chimney. She had this cleaned off and hoped that this was somehow the cause of the high readings, however the energy levels still remained high.
The conversation ended there, with my father telling her he would ask his family if they had experienced anything and that he would be back to let her know.
Before my father relayed this story to my family, he explained that he had visited the old lady and was told some paranormal activity had taken place, but before he said anything further, he would like to know if they had experienced anything strange in the house.
My sister and mother told him about my sister’s three-year-old daughter who would sometimes refuse to go into her bedroom, which was the room where the chimney breast was located. And on one occasion she would not go up the stairs. When my sister questioned her daughter about this, she said that she couldn’t go up as the boy was stood there. Her mum (my sister) said there is no one there, but she insisted there was.
When my sister and mother questioned her about this and asked who the boy was, she answered quite calmly under the circumstances, ‘the little boy is called Lucifer.’
I know the name Lucifer sounds far-fetched and could discredit this story, but my niece has no knowledge of anything paranormal and certainly does not know that name. It was quite shocking to hear and led me to further investigate other people’s paranormal experiences.
Whether you believe this story or not, I can only tell you that my mother and sister are so dysfunctional now, that they fight all the time and still do to this day, when before they lived in that house there was none of this.
Although I never lived in that house as I had recently married when they moved in, I do think whatever was in there, and probably still is there, has affected my family to a very large degree. I will point out that I have never had a paranormal experience, but I do believe my family completely.
My husband was very shocked to hear about the old lady who lives in that house, telling this true ghost story and then for my sister to say what she said before she knew which rooms the activity had taken place in, he is now wondering himself and he is one very sceptical person.
We only discovered all this a few months ago, therefore I cannot update now as my father has not yet re-visited the old lady. However, we are interested to discover more about this, but it could take some time. I will keep you informed.
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