UFO's In The Sea

Written By Mister Gu on Thursday, December 27, 2012 | 6:39 PM


I read Greg's post in the forum about UFO's being in the sea and it reminded me of an incident that happened in Pembrokeshire, West Wales, on 30 October 1977. In fact, there are just as many encounters with strange craft in the sea as there are in the skies. I would like to tell you about this encounter, which is fascinating as it raises many questions.

At the time, Ripperstone farm on the Pembrokeshire coast had been the center of many very strange encounters with UFO's. This is just one of many encounters. Mrs Coombs was driving back home with her mother and four children in the car, when she decided to take a short cut, which took her close to the coast... down a dirt road and then up a hill... giving fantastic views out to sea. ( I lived in the area and have driven down the same lanes and can verify the descriptions). The afternoon was clear and visibility good. They were driving up to the farm when they saw a disc glinting in the sun, 40 or 50 feet above the road... gliding silently over the fields ahead of them - towards Stack Rocks.

UFO's Over Stack Rocks

Stack Rocks is an island in three pieces of sheer jagged rock, rising 87 feet high at the highest point and situated a quarter of a mile off shore - overlooked by Ripperstone farm. It can clearly be seen from the road that hugs the coast and can be seen for miles along the bay. Only sea birds live on the rocks and the sea around the rocks is notorious for heavy swell and the strong currents. The rocks are privately owned by the owner of the Haven Fort Hotel, a little further along the coast.

The disc headed straight to the rocks -  lost altitude and moved behind the rocks. Then it re-appeared as they watched and vanished into the rocks between two doors, which seemed to slide open. Mrs Coombs parked the car and they all walked along the coastal path to get a good view. The "doors" were still open and two silvery figures were walking on the edge of the rock. They wore one-piece silver suits and a dark visor on a helmet - covering the head. The two figures emerged from the doors and climbed down the rocks to the shore where they appeared to be examining something. One figure went up again and was working just inside the door.  After a short time, the other joined him and the doors slid shut. The family was completely stunned and startled and unsure what to do.

On returning back to the farm house, the telephone rang, it was the owner of the Haven Fort Hotel, she said, " you will never guess what i just seen" and described what the family had just witnessed. She said how she was in the lounge of the hotel, when their attention had been drawn to a flash seawards in the direction of their island. She got her binoculars and watched the figures climb down the rocks. She passed the binoculars to her daughter and husband, who all saw the figures too.

With two independent witnesses it is hard to say that the strange encounter never happened, or was a misidentification. It later came to light that the children had seen the figures before and it seems whatever they were doing they had been doing it for several months.

It poses the question, is there an under ground base in the area? Twice before the family from Ripperstone farm had witnessed craft dive into the sea by the rocks and not to re-appear. It can be no coincidence that further up the coast is the US Underwater Radar Research Station for listening for submarines and at Brawdy, the US Air Base.

There are many encounters with UFO's in the ocean around the world, and I am pretty sure there are bases on Earth and underwater. There is a lot more empty space, practically an unlimited food supply, no neighbors to disturb you," what better place to go un-noticed.

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By Andrew Searle, copyright 2010 @ World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales.

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