Demonic Activity In Our Home

Written By Mister Gu on Friday, July 6, 2012 | 12:11 PM

Demonic Activity In Our Home

Ok so one of the main reasons I decided to post my supernatural experiences, is because I have consistently "seen" since I was 7 years old, which is the same age that I was when the first incident happened in my family.

My mother had always been a dabbler. I don’t know if she thought she was cool, or if she was really into it, but she did the whole goth thing - well into her 30's, and practiced magic. She had started seeing this man, who apparently was deep into the occult. Shortly after this man started coming around, very strange things began happening. I don’t remember them all myself, but my mother and I have had numerous conversations about that time.

This happened one summer. Me and my youngest sister fell extremely ill. My mother had said at one point, she looked on our patio, outside the sliding glass window, and saw a group of “short” demons standing outside, as if waiting to come in. Later that night, she claims there was an enormous weight on her chest and the couch she was laying on sank in.  She also couldn’t breathe. She looked toward the patio glass door again, but the demons weren’t there. Instead, a big, black claw, as she describes it, appeared to be coming closer and closer to her. Although she couldn’t breathe, or speak, she said she began praying, and crying out for God in her head. She said the claw slowly started backing away. During this time, my older sister, who was a teenager, and into her heavy metal rock music, claimed one of her posters came to life and was performing for her. This was the same night that my mother experienced that horrific encounter.

Although I was ill, and cannot state conclusively that what I saw might have been from my fever, or the demonic entities, but that same week, I had seen a red goats head floating above my bed. The following day, my mother had started praying, and even sought out a priest (this priest had apparently chased her down the street earlier that summer. He was screaming at her that she needed to come back to Jesus before it was too late).

When she came home, she had a talk with all of us and told us that we needed to get everything that was evil, and not of God, out of our home, including the heavy metal music. My older sister quickly, and loudly wailed “NOT MY MOTLEY CREW!!” and then slammed her head down on my mother’s leg, damn near locking her jaw in an almost inhuman bite. She then went to her room and passed out.

When my mother told the man that she was seeing, “God doesn’t want you to be here anymore”. She said that his eyes looked as if they turned white. Then he stood straight up and walked out of the door without a word and never came back. After he left almost all demonic activity ceased. However, we would all get the sensation that the couch was rumbling. When we moved the couch, a comb that belonged to that man was under there. Of course it was thrown out immediately.

That was only the beginning. After talking to my aunt about it, and explaining everything that had happened, my aunt reminded my mother of how our grandmother used to play with tarot cards, read tea leaves, and go to psychics. On one occasion, she had her palm read, and the palm reader opened my grandmother’s hand, said nothing, but closed her hand immediately and said “don’t ever get your palm read again, your bloodline is cursed.” I never found out, how or why we were cursed, but multiple strange happenings have almost become normal in my family.
My cousin Tammi, has on many occasions seen a ghost like  'white buffalo' on the levi, when no one else could. She even claimed it chased her, and she dropped all her groceries trying to get away from it, before it’s ghostly body just ran right through her and continued on.

When visiting our family on the reservation, she went to the chief to ask him about the white buffalo, and he had said he had heard of stories of the ghost buffalo, and it was because we were cursed.

A year after the first incident, I had a dream of a young blond girl at a party in the woods. She had got into a fight with her boyfriend and he left her in the middle of nowhere, forcing her to walk home. As she walked, another man pulled over and offered her a ride. She took it, and he took her to what looked like (in my dream) a cave, or somewhere dark, and he beat, raped and then killed her. I saw it on the news a few days later, and I remember going to my mom and telling her, I saw that girl in my dream. She said we needed to tell someone about it.  I remember, even at 8 years old telling her “who is going to believe a kid’s dream?”

A few months later, I had a dream that my older sister was getting jumped by a group of girls, and they beat her, and stole her leather jacket. It happened while she was at school a week later.

Later in life, two nights before the OK city bombings, I had dreamed I was standing outside of a building that had been blown up. When i saw it on the news, it freaked me out, cause it looked just like in my dream.

I don’t know if our curse is that we all are extra sensitive, not saying that I am, (cause I haven’t had an incident like that since I was a kid), or if it was something else. My cousin Staci once said, “we are cursed Michelle, think about it, our family is mainly women, and NONE of us our happy. That’s our curse, we will never find happiness with any man.”

I am a Christian, single mother of two young boys, and I have raised my children to walk the path of God. I pray my boys never have to experience anything like that, and I pray that nothing major like that happens again. I know a lot of it sounds crazy, and many people may not believe our family went through this, but whether they do or not, it has brought our family closer to God.

By Michelle

Can The Dead Contact Us?

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