Can The Dead Contact Us?

Written By Mister Gu on Friday, July 6, 2012 | 1:22 AM

Can The Dead Contact Us?

This story sent in by Michelle was initially wrote in the comments section of a post called, Is Contacting The Dead Wrong? 

Although I agree contacting the dead is wrong, because you are not contacting the dead, you are communicating with demons, I do believe there are small exceptions. My best friend, who suffered from depression after we both got out of the Army….eventually ended his own life.

It broke my heart, because we had an argument the same day he did it. We were old sweethearts, but he broke my heart so many times. I loved him deeply, so I remained a faithful friend to him.,..I guess after so long he realized I was a good girl to him. He begged me time and again to move to Alaska to be with him. I kept telling him no, I couldn’t do that, I loved him too much to get my heart-broken by him again. The day he called me, he asked me if I forgave him for what he did to me. I asked him why he was asking me this….he said he just wanted to make sure I forgave him. I told him, yes, but I’ll never forget, which is why I won’t give in again. We began arguing, and he then told me he was getting married. I became even more angry realizing he was in a relationship with someone and asking me to go be with him. He then said he wouldn’t marry her, if I came. This was my last chance, cause if I didn’t go, he was going to kill himself. I told him, if he was waiting for me to move to Alaska, then get on with it cause I wasn’t going to go….I never would have said it, if I knew he was serious…I didn’t believe him….I don’t know why I didn’t believe him. After we hung up the phone…I told myself that I’d call him in a few days when things calmed down…but that night I got a bad a feeling and I called him over and over again with no answer. He had done it…he ended his life….

That week he came to me in my dreams. I remember clearly, we were back at the last place we saw each other. It was in Germany, right after he got out of Iraq. I was busy doing something in my dream, and I wasn’t paying him much attention. He kept following me asking me “you do forgive me for that right? Please tell me you forgive me?” I told him “yes Phillip, I forgive you” and then the dream ended. I didn’t find out til months later that he was dead, cause his family didn’t approve of our friendship because we had started talking to each other when I was 11 and he was 19, and ever since they hated me. I called over and over again, and no one answered. I googled his name and found out what happened….He came to me to make sure I forgave him….

Just a few months ago I had another dream that he came to visit me when I was stationed in WA. He was going to stay the weekend, and at the end of the weekend, he asked me “do you want me to go?” I told him “I want you to stay forever Phillip, I love you” and he smiled and said, “ok I just got to go to the store for a few things” but he never came back. The rest of my dream was trying to find him, and I even went to Alaska to look for him, only for his family to tell me he was dead….

Every time I have a dream about him, I feel his presence. I know it was him. I feel like he really visited me, in real life after I wake up. So many people have told me that he is in hell for taking his own life, but I don’t believe that for one second. If he was in hell, Satan wouldn’t let him come to my dreams to let me know everything was ok. He is in heaven for sure, cause only God would grant me such a beautiful gift of his dreamy visits

This also isn’t the first time I have dreamed of lost loved ones. My cat Millie (who was literally my only friend when I was in middle school) ran away. I had one of those weird windows that you twist the knobs and a bunch of glass slots would open up…I don’t know what they’re called….but anyways, when Millie was alive she would come to my window and I would take one of the glass slots out and let her in. Shortly after she ran away I had a dream she came to my window, I let her in…and she gave me cuddles for hours. We fell asleep together, with her in my arms. She woke me up later, and wanted to go out again, going towards the window. I didn’t want to let her out, cause I just had this feeling that if I let her go, she would never come back again. I let her go though, and sure enough she never came back. I’ve never had a dream of her since. I know she was coming back to let me know she was in a better place.

So although I agree contacting them is wrong and could lead you on a dangerous, scary path, but I do believe the dead can contact us to let us know they are okay.

By Michelle

Don't Be Deceived

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