The 'Genographic Project': Tracing Our Origins

Written By Mister Gu on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 | 10:05 AM

I receive an interesting observation from a colleague in reference to the 'Genographic Project':

The National Geographic has a GENO2.0 project to map the human genome and human migrations from some 150,000 years ago. I spent some mad money and sent in scrapings of the inside of my mouth to see what would turn up.

In their report to me, the Geographic stated that modern humans first left southeast Africa about 60,000 years ago. They also state that all modern humans carry "about" a 2% trace of an "out of Africa" DNA.

Where this becomes super-strange is that the Geographic has decided to latch the name of a specific, real tribe in Africa to the original possessors of the parent genes: Bantu. Drop the "B" and you have the word "antu", which is very close to one of the Middle Eastern words for the Anunaki! "Antu" is the feminine version of "An", or "chief ruling small-g god".

Has the Geographic unwittingly stumbled upon a clue (not just by name only) that will verify the theory of Zechariah Sitchin the The 12th Planet and There Were Giants Upon The Earth? Does that 2% represent the actual infusion of Anunaki genes in the human genome, some 150,000 to 300,000 years ago (by -- again -- Sitchin's timeline)?

In the book on Giants, Sitchin tells of how he believes actual Anunaki remains -- named "Puabi" (lady much beer) -- are being kept in a storage box in the British Museum! He wonders what surprises would be in store if Puabi's remains were studied for their DNA.

NOTE: The Geographic is also "hepped up" about finding Neanderthal DNA -- 2 to 2.5% on the average -- in the genes of modern humans -- excluding those populations that never left Africa. According to the Geographic, people of direct African descent will have no Neanderthal DNA -- unless their ancestors interbred with descendants of the humans who left Africa "way back when" to "be fruitful and multiply" across the entire face of the Earth -- and made love, not war with the Neanderthals.

What puzzles me is that the Geographic seems not to be saying much about the antecedents of the Neanderthals! How did they get to Europe and Asia before "our" ancestors arrived there?

And you can bet that among those who believe in Aryan Pure Supermen (Spike Jones, "Der Fuhrer's Face") are going to be having triple "conniption fits" over all this!

In a way, though, the Geographic's discoveries do apparently prove that although externally we all may look different, at the bottom of the genetic list, in that 2% we all carry from Africa -- and probably from En.Ki who did the breeding experiments and infused his own DNA with that of hominids from Africa -- we are all kinfolk -- not only to each other because of the African link, but but kin to the Anunaki! And En.Ki, too!

Anyhow, I thought this would be of interest to the P & M. - Judith M.

Judith is referring to the Geno 2.0 - Genographic Project Participation and DNA Ancestry Kit which is advertised as the following:

Join the more than half a million people who have already taken part in National Geographic's groundbreaking Genographic Project—contribute to this real-time scientific effort and learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible.

About the test

National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Spencer Wells and team designed Geno 2.0 based on the new technologies and insights that emerged since the launch of the Genographic Project in 2005. Using an exclusive, custom-built genotyping chip, we test nearly 150,000 DNA markers that have been specifically selected to provide unprecedented ancestry-related information.

By participating, you will:

• Discover the migration paths your ancient ancestors followed hundreds—even thousands—of years ago, with an unprecedented view of your ancestral journey.
• Learn what percentage of your genome is affiliated with specific regions of the world.
• Find out if you have Neanderthal or Denisovan ancestry.
• Have the opportunity to share your story and connect with other Genographic Project participants, helping us fill in the gaps in the human story.

What's included in the Geno 2.0 DNA Test kit:

The Geno 2.0 kit contains everything you need to begin the journey into your past, including painless cheek swabs and instructions for submitting your DNA samples (return postage required). Plus, we’ve designed the Geno 2.0 kit box to serve as a beautiful keepsake to store your results after you access them online.

How your participation helps the Genographic Project:

The Genographic Project is an ambitious attempt to help answer fundamental questions about where humankind originated and how we came to populate the Earth. Using the latest genetic and computational technologies to analyze historical patterns in DNA from participants around the world, our team of world-renowned scientists led by Dr. Spencer Wells, seeks to reveal our migratory history and to better understand the connections and differences that make up humankind.

As a Genographic Project participant, you will have the opportunity to contribute your data to our Genographic database, helping our scientists and researchers who are working to chart a comprehensive map of the early stages of human history. Participation in the Genographic Project database is your choice and is not necessary to access your individual results.

And a portion of the proceeds from the sales of Geno 2.0 kits are channeled back into the project to support additional research and to fund cultural conservation and revitalization efforts for indigenous communities around the world through the Genographic Legacy Fund.

Due to the cost of the DNA analysis, once the kit has been opened, we cannot accept returns or administer refunds. You must have Internet access to view the results—results will not be mailed. Results are available online via confidential Genographic Project ID 6-8 weeks after our lab receives your DNA samples. If you lose the ID provided with the kit, we cannot recover your information. Each kit contains supplies for testing one person. Please note, because women do not carry a Y chromosome, this test will not reveal direct paternal deep ancestry for female participants. Women will learn other information about their paternal side of the family, however.

Our human lineage is not actually linear. In fact, it's more of a branching tree, telling the story of our origins in Africa and our migrations throughout the world. National Geographic's not-for-profit Genographic Project aims to trace and connect each of our individuals branches to answer questions about how human beings became so genetically diverse.

But how can we peer so far back in history? By looking at our DNA. In fact, DNA analysis can reveal specific markers that tell the rich story of our ancestral migration patters. It can even inform us about our mixed Neanderthal origins. Read more at Human Evolution & Migration: National Geographic's Genographic Project Tells Our Story (VIDEO)

The Complete Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)

The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy: Trace Your Roots, Share Your History, and Create Your Family Tree

NextGen Genealogy: The DNA Connection

There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA (Earth Chronicles)

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