Touched By Something

Written By Mister Gu on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 | 6:30 AM

Touched By Something

This is my story:

I was laying in my room from a recent doctors visit. She had given me my diagnosis that I have been waiting for all week. The diagnosis was not one that I would have wanted. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

I read up on it and discovered that it is very hard to get pregnant. As every little girl did, I had dreamed of growing up and raising a successful family. I saw all of my dreams go down the drain. I didn't know what I would do. I read a little more on it and the more and more I read, the more and more I wanted to cry. I had closed my laptop and had put it away. I went into my room and locked the door. I went under my blankets and curled into a little ball... I started to cry. It was odd. Not the crying part but by how much I was crying. I have never cried this much before.

I closed my eyes and started seeing my little family that I had dreamt of my entire life... my kids screaming and jumping over the sprinkler on a hot summers day. My husband sitting next to me on our lawn chairs, watching our kids play. I liked this feeling. It felt good. It felt like the family that everyone wanted. That everyone dreamed of having. Then I felt this odd sensation tapping me on the shoulder. I quickly looked up to see who had even dared to ruin my dream, and see nothing. Nothing but my blue wall. I went back to seeing my perfect family. When i was somewhat calm enough to breathe right and open my eyes, I felt an odd sense of an embrace. An embrace that felt foreign to me. I looked around and saw nothing, just my room. I wasn't scared at all. I was actually feeling comfort. Feeling like everything I was going through was going to be better. I started to cry again. Not for sadness or anything negative, but for joy. Joy was something that I felt that I shouldn't be feeling at all. I felt like I was a strong women and nothing was going to keep me down. I sniffed the air to see if I could maybe smell this odd feeling. I only smelt my grandmothers favorite candle... Vanilla. I only smelt vanilla.

I started feeling like my sadness was going to come again so I wanted to keep that sense of an embrace. My Grandmother has been dead for a little over 3 weeks now and she said that when I was sad, that she would be there to hold me tight and get me through the night. That she would be my mocking-bird that would always sing in my ear. I thought that it was her Alzheimer's talking when she said this to me. I thought that when I was sad and down, no one would be there to help me. I have no idea to this point in time what that feeling was or even if it was something. But if it is my grandmother, then she has done what she wanted to do because I can feel her watching over me and protecting me. I have no idea if there really is something on the other side... or if it's all just an imagination of human kind.

By Kelsea

Paranormal Encounters

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