Paranormal Disturbances

Written By Mister Gu on Friday, September 18, 2009 | 12:08 PM


This is a strange paranormal story from someone who I have recently become very good friends with. Here it is:

I was going to tell you about my ex-wife's experience's, so here they are. She has had loads, she is a little psychic anyway and has sat in on circles learning about meditation and healing. Now she is a Wiccan. One story she told me and I know it's true because her mum also commented on it.

It happened when she was living in a big house in Winchester ( called Ham House) if you need to know. Her dad was in the army and they were renting this house. One day her mum was making maccaroni and left it to simmer in a pan. When she went back to it , the maccaroni was not in the pan anymore. First, the dog got the blame but it was obvious the dog could not have eaten it without knocking the pan off or something. Next, my ex-wife, Christina got the blame and try as she might no one would believe her when she said she did not take it.

Some time later, I don't know how many months, but they had to move out of the house to another part of the country. Being in the army, the house had to be absolutely spotless when they moved out.

After cleaning the kitchen, they pulled out the cooker to clean behind it when they noticed the skirting board was covered in a pyramid shape of maccaroni.

Another time, Christina and her mum were up watching TV one evening and her dad was out when they heard footsteps coming up the drive. When they got to the door they stopped before opening it, but nothing else happened. Christina shouted out, " well come in then." With that, the door flew open, but no one was there.

Scared to death, they just sat in the lounge. Minutes later, they heard a car pull up and in came her dad wondering what was going on.

On another occasion, at the top of the house was a room belonging to the owners, which they had used as a darkroom for photography before renting their home out. It was always kept locked because no-one was supposed to go in there. Many times the door which was locked would suddenly be wide open and no-one had been anywhere near it. So it would get shut and locked again and as soon as they turned their back, it would be open again.

Quite a few times at night Christina would see someone walking outside the house but could not make out any details. When she asked her mum in the morning, she said it was her just checking things. Years later her mum confessed that it was not her and she had seen them too but was no way going out to look.

Christina had also seen what I believe to be a UFO twice. At the time she did not know what it was. She described it as looking like a big orange globe of light slowly hovering over the trees.

I wondered what you guys thought of this as it's baffled us.

UFO Sighting In Oxford, UK

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By Andrew, copyright Andrew 2009 @ World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales.

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