A Ouija Board Story

Written By Mister Gu on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | 1:10 PM


My wife and I got a Ouija board a few weeks ago, but we had no idea of the dangers of the Ouija board.  Reason for buying this being, her brother passed away about 9 years ago and her niece (the deceased's 19 yr old daughter), and his brother wanted to see if they could talk to him. 

None of us knew the dangers of the ouija board or any repercussions that may come out of this, so we just started playing and asking questions.  We asked if ***** (name deleted) was there with us and it went straight to yes.  We asked it to spell his name, and it spelled out his nick name instead which made everyone emotional.  His brother asked if we will ever get to see him again and it spelled out "tgther 4 evr".  It also said that it was hard to connect with us as if it took a lot of effort (dont quite remember how we asked). 

Another night we asked if anyone knew one of us in the room  and it spelled out my initials.  It said it was related to me,  and said his/her initials over and over...what year it passed away and how old he/she was.  I am 30 and would have been around 10 yrs old when this person passed away. I asked my dad about it and he had no clue. 

Last night I get a call at 3 am from my brother-in-law (who played the first night), saying a medium talked to him at the bar and said we need to get this board out of our house and talked of the dangers of the Ouija board.  We have 4 children and she told him that the bad spirits are in here.  Worried, my wife and I went and threw it in the garbage outside, the garbage man came and picked it up already.  Then I start reading about all the ways people tell you to get rid of them... and obviously I didn't know any different.  Is there any way to ensure the "cleansing" of my house, or things i can do? any info would be great.

Home Made Ouija Boards Work

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