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Daily 2 Cents: Anomaly in Wedding Photo -- Should Nessie Be Scotland's National Animal? -- Alien at UCLA Medical Center

Written By Mister Gu on Saturday, April 25, 2015 | 10:03 AM

Bride, groom and ghost? Mystery figure appears in wedding photo

Kevin Matthew Dennis uploaded the photo of he and his wife on their wedding day to reddit. The photo seems to show a ghostly face in between them.

Kevin said in the Reddit post, “Me and my wife’s favorite wedding photo… Until we saw what was between us… We still don’t know who it was.”

Kevin wrote that the couple didn’t notice the ghostly image at first and it wasn’t until his wife made it her Facebook profile picture that a friend pointed it out.

The couple said they have no idea if it was one of their guests.

“Her sister said it might be her but that face look absolutely nothing even close to it. That face looks like a baby face imo [in my opinion,]” Kevin Matthew Dennis wrote.

Reddit users weighed in on the image saying:

“It’s your [sic] unborn baby,” joked one user.

Another Reddit user joked that the infant figure might be the spawn of Satan. - Bride, groom and ghost? Mystery figure appears in wedding photo


Should Nessie be Scotland's national animal?

A Scottish tourism body has launched a new campaign to gain formal recognition for the Loch Ness Monster.

Despite there being considerable doubts over the mere existence of the famous Scottish lake monster, a concerted effort is now underway to have it recognized as Scotland's national animal.

The idea might have sounded preposterous if it weren't for the fact that the current national animal of Scotland is a unicorn - the mythical horned horse that has been used on the royal coat of arms since 1603. It could certainly be argued that in this day and age the Loch Ness Monster is a lot more culturally relevant.

"Nessie is an icon and an asset," said Freda Newton, managing director of Jacobite Cruises.

"There is no doubt she attracts hundreds of tourists to Scotland every year and she deserves recognition. If not as our national animal, then at least she should be awarded the title of Scotland’s national monster. A formal nod to Nessie’s fame is long overdue."

Sightings of the creature have been reported for years and continue to this day but so far there has never been any conclusive evidence to support the notion that it actually exists.

There is little doubt however that as Scotland's national animal it would certainly be well recognized. - Tourism body wants Loch Ness monster to dethrone unicorn as Scotland’s national animal


Alien at UCLA Medical Center?

Lakewood, CA - 11/1963: My husband worked swing shift, he came in the house all excited there was a helicopter and all kinds of lights on the under construction freeway about 5 houses away and a sound fence. Next day he bought the afternoon Long Beach Ledger just to see if there was any news on what happened on the freeway the night before. On the first page of the local section he found the answer there was a strange man picked up walking on the freeway, He spoke no none language, and they noticed his blood was off color. The report went on to say that they took him to the UCLA medical center, they reported that the man had some different organs than humans and some of his organs were the same but in different places.

A few days later he told his friend about it so he offered to bring the paper over but unfortunately I accidentally used it to line the garbage can and they had picked it up all ready so we went to the library to get a copy of the report and the column had been blanked out.

Just wondered if you had ever heard of this one or any info on it? - MUFON CMS


Virginia Man Believes Daughter's Nightmares Hold Clue to Wife's Fatal Accident

A Virginia dad said he believes his 3-year-old daughter's nightmares may be more than just dreams and could be clues to solving the mystery of his wife's death.

Craig Tyler's wife, Natali Castellanos-Tyler, died Feb. 21 after she "lost control" of her 2002 Ford Explorer and "struck a tree," the Chesterfield County Police said in a news release at the time. Her daughter, who was 2 at the time and in the car, survived and was transported to a hospital with "minor injuries," police added.

But while a police spokeswoman told ABC News today the crash investigator believes icy roads and weather were factors in the "single-vehicle" accident, the Mosely, Virginia, man now suspects foul play after listening to his 3-year-old's nightmares, he told ABC News today.

Tyler said his daughter's nightmares began in late February to early March, about a week after his wife was buried.

"For weeks, she's been having nightmares about a white van, and when I ask her what's wrong, she says that the white van hurt her and that it hurt her car," Tyler said. "It's gotten to the point that when there were two white vans parked outside her school, she didn't want to go to school."

Tyler added he's in the process of finding his daughter a counselor because she's so traumatized and terrified of white vans.

This past weekend, Tyler said his mother told him she saw Facebook posts in a private Facebook community page reporting several side-swiping and hit-and-run car incidents involving white trucks. All the accidents happened just blocks from each other in his neighborhood, Tyler added.

One of the community Facebook posters, Subasree Thompson, 42, told ABC News today she was sideswiped by a white van March 30 in the same neighborhood, but she didn't file an official police report.

"I had just picked up my three-year-old daughter from preschool, and I was coming through Otterdale Road when I saw a white truck going fast in the opposite direction," Thompson said. "It swerved at the very last minute, hit my lane and cracked my minivan's mirror."

Thompson said she thought the driver was going to stop to exchange numbers and insurance, but the white truck with no advertisements on the side never braked, and she didn't catch its license. She added she "definitely saw two men, possibly three, sitting across in the front of the van."

The following day, Thompson said she was coming home from picking up her 5-year-old when she saw a neighbor's teenage daughter, Caitlyn Thomas, involved in an accident near the same place she said she was sideswiped.

Thomas, 17, told Subasree a white truck, similar to the one Subasree encountered, sideswiped her car's left side and shattered her window, taking out the car's mirror as well, her mother, Wendy Thomas, told ABC News today.

A Chesterfield County Police Department spokeswoman told ABC News today that a crash report was received that day, March 31, but that the department could not release the name of the victim.

"The incident occurred around 1:50 p.m. in the 6800 block of Otterdale Road," the spokeswoman said. "It was reported that a Honda Accord was struck on the left side by a white work truck, possibly a box truck, which then left the scene. The victim sustained non-life-threatening injuries."

Another incident in which a school bus was sideswiped by a trash truck on April 3 was also reported, the spokeswoman added.

Thompson said she doesn’t know the Tylers, but said a man named Charlie Mitchell contacted her after she posted about the three incidents on their community Facebook page. Mitchell is Craig Tyler's uncle, Tyler said.

The Chesterfield County Police Department said it was aware of new information and that it was looking into the information, but there is still no physical evidence that any other vehicle was involved in the crash that left Tyler's wife dead.

Tyler's wife left behind three kids, two of which are Tyler's and one living in El Salvador with her former husband, he said.

GoFundMe and YouCaring accounts have been set up for the Tylers to help pay off the funeral and medical costs and raise additional money for the kids, whom Tyler is now raising alone, he said.

Tyler and his wife were married in a courthouse in 2012 but were just recently planning a more elaborate wedding and honeymoon for this July.

The wedding invitations arrived the day of the accident, and instead of her wedding he had to plan her funeral, Tyler said.

"We had her in her wedding dress at her viewing and funeral," he said. "Then we cremated her, and we're saving her dress for my daughter when she grows up." - Virginia Man Believes Daughter's Nightmares Hold Clue to Wife's Fatal Accident




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