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Daily 2 Cents: Purple UFO Interrupts TV Show -- Fake Monsters Used to Study People's Reactions -- New Craters Appear in Siberia

Written By Mister Gu on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 | 11:25 AM

Purple UFO Interrupts Peru TV Show

A television production crew in Lima, Peru, videotaped a purple-colored disc-shaped UFO hovering in the distant sky near a construction site. So far, there's no official explanation for the object.

According to Peru This Week, television show "Alto al Crimen" was shooting an episode in the upscale Miraflores district of Lima on Feb. 10. The show's host, Lima Congressman Renzo Reggiardo, halted an interview to allow his camera operator to focus on the strange-looking purple object in the sky.

Both distant and zoomed-in perspectives of the UFO reveal a saucer-shaped object, with a large central bright purple section, tapering off on either end. The extreme right end appears almost black in color, while the opposite end seems to be a darker purple shade than the center part of the object. The video also reveals that sometimes the two dark ends appear to become smaller and larger.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing the aerial object for up to two hours, and yet, no video has emerged showing how the UFO left the scene. So, the question remains: How, exactly, did it go away? Did it fall to the ground, float away or speed up and vanish over the nearby ocean? Or perhaps (as in some UFO reports over the years), did it simply vanish?

The Peru chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is investigating this case, seeking more eyewitnesses who may have videotaped the purple aerial object from different vantage points. Watch video at THP


Fake Monsters Used to Study People's Reactions

Experts have been using fake monsters to test how people report encounters with mythical creatures.

One exercise saw one person unleashed in a popular Edinburgh attraction dressed in a gorilla suit, as part of a study to see how people react to so-called Bigfoot sightings.

The experts have also used props and costumes to create other beasts.

The team from the University of St Andrews, Fife, are keeping tight-lipped about their research until it has been published in a scientific journal.

But Dr Charles Paxton, a research fellow and statistical ecologist at the university, explained the “serious study” would help his team find statistical patterns in accounts of weird and wonderful sightings. He admitted: “People think it’s a bit odd till I explain what I’m doing.”

The Bigfoot experiment took place at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

They chose the venue as it has 50 giant redwoods – similar to those that adorn the US forests where Sasquatch sightings are generally reported.

He said: “It’s like the area where you get reports of Bigfoot. There are other experiments that have involved fake monsters.”

The garden visitors were all told they were taking part in an experiment beforehand.

One group were told to look out for Bigfoot and sent on a route that would bring the fake gorilla into view. They were later asked to report their sighting.

The other group didn’t get to see the fake primate but they were asked to write down a personal account as if they had.

The study then looked at differences in the two sets of accounts.

The team revealed details of their Bigfoot study at a day of talks in Edinburgh yesterday.

It covered a diverse range of subjects such as “Nazi flying saucers”, “Bigfoot” and the “evolution of sea monsters”.

But the academics maintain they aren’t just monkeying around as their prop-laden projects have sound scientific methods and aims.

Dr Paxton previously catalogued all known sightings of the Loch Ness monster to look for consistencies or patterns which could be explained by natural phenomena.

“It’s a serious study of people reporting things,” he said. “I’m trying to see if there are statistical patterns.

“All my work gets published in proper scientific journals. All I do is with the aim of getting proper results.” - Sunday Post


Dozens of new craters appear in Siberia

Respected Moscow scientist Professor Vasily Bogoyavlensky has called for 'urgent' investigation of the new phenomenon amid safety fears.

Until now, only three large craters were known about in northern Russia with several scientific sources speculating last year that heating from above the surface due to unusually warm climatic conditions, and from below, due to geological fault lines, led to a huge release of gas hydrates, so causing the formation of these craters in Arctic regions.

Two of the newly-discovered large craters - also known as funnels to scientists - have turned into lakes, revealed Professor Bogoyavlensky, deputy director of the Moscow-based Oil and Gas Research Institute, part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Examination using satellite images has helped Russian experts understand that the craters are more widespread than was first realised, with one large hole surrounded by as many as 20 mini-craters. Read more w/ photos at Dozens of new craters suspected in northern Russia


For those who don't live in North America, yeah... it's been damn cold.

It is so cold across North America that the normally rushing falls of the Niagara river have partially frozen. The river is still flowing underneath the ice, which isn’t expected to melt any time soon as temperatures continue to stay below freezing.

Several days of subzero temperatures have built up layers of ice around the boulders, railings and trees.



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