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NSA says it has lost its non-redacted UFO files - Openminds.tv

Written By Mister Gu on Saturday, September 13, 2014 | 9:56 AM

 We're all so very damn surprised, eh?

Alejandro Rojas writes about John Greenwald's request for UFO info, and what the NSA responded. Or, not:

NSA says it has lost its non-redacted UFO files - Openminds.tv: Home / Featured / NSA says it has lost its non-redacted UFO files

NSA says it has lost its non-redacted UFO files
Posted by: Alejandro Rojas September 12, 2014 0 3,514 Views

UFO and government secrecy researcher John Greenewald has been petitioning to get the National Security Agency (NSA) UFO files that were released in the 90s further declassified. When they were released, after a legal battle, much of the information was redacted. There are large swaths of information that have been blacked out or covered with white out. However, the NSA recently told Greenewald they could not find even one original of the hundreds of pages UFO files. (Open Minds.tv)

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