Some might wonder why many UFO witnesses, contactees, abductees are so . . . "obsessed." From the perspective of the on-looker -- be they researcher, debunker, or mainstream observer -- it may seem indulgent, silly, pathetic, even, this "obsession." But this so-called "obsession" is often the valid attempts from the witness to find out what the hell happened! So simple. Yet often surprisingly overlooked by others much of the time.
For myself, it gets back to, well, me. Since childhood I've had UFO related and paranormal experiences, including missing time. I am now of the opinion there are at least two things happening at the same time: "them" meaning, whoever, or whatever, these things we call aliens might be, and some of "us" meaning, mainly, the cliched (but nonetheless real) military-industrial-complex. The latter is using the former for their own agendas, and the rest of us are its little puppets.
So yes, I am damn well immensely curious, not to mention pissed off, that either non-human entities or human entities, (or both) felt they could mess with my mind simply because they could. It's certainly possible missing time, various manipulations, and sightings were human caused events. Within the context of covert operations performed upon the rest of us, it's absolutely relevant and legitimate that witnesses, like myself, "obsess" (ahem) over what happened.
It's obvious to anyone who's honest at all that humans have been sharing this planet with a host of other intelligences since our beginnings. Whether some of these beings are aliens from other planets is almost beside the point -- the fact is, we've been existing alongside other entities all along. It isn't a stretch to assume that some humans -- those with power, money and the means to exert control over the rest of the human population -- have found ways to manipulate some of these non-human beings.
Don't throw it back on us; this idea that we're the ones wasting time and pondering the imponderable. Wrong argument.