Love tracking those moments of synchronicity. I had two moments last night. Firstly, working with my
Deviant Moon deck. Not wearing my glasses, I misread/saw the Knight of Cups as the Page of Cups. When I looked closer, I saw that I had read the layout as if the Knight of Cups was the Page; so I drew a card from the top of the deck for further insight, something I sometimes do. That card was the Page of Cups.
Deviant Moon tarot, artist Patrick Valenza |
Deviant Moon tarot, artist Patrick Valenza |
Later, listening to Coast to Coast with guest
Robert Knight, discussing remote viewing. At one point as Knight was talking, I wondered why he hadn't included Ingo Swann in his list of researchers and thinkers. "Swann was one of
the pioneers in all this!"I thought. How odd he doesn't mention him. A pause, then Knight goes into Ingo Swann.