Unsolved mystery.-The photo above I get from friends email sent, but I not yet to find out the truth, In the email explained that the photo was taken from the Casio Z750 camera.
The camera was destroyed but the memory stick can be in recovery. Camera owner's name was Paulo G. Muller. From the photo above we can see that the plane was destroyed from the fragmented pieces from turbolensi. This photo was taken a few seconds before Paolo himself sucked and bounced into the air. Memory Stick is itself found near the cockpit.
The camera was destroyed but the memory stick can be in recovery. Camera owner's name was Paulo G. Muller. From the photo above we can see that the plane was destroyed from the fragmented pieces from turbolensi. This photo was taken a few seconds before Paolo himself sucked and bounced into the air. Memory Stick is itself found near the cockpit.