ANCIENT MEGALITHIC STRUCTURES - Little attention is paid to the mysteries of the Ural region. Many articles and films have been made about the pyramids in Egypt, the Maya culture and other phenomena, but not about the legends and sites of the Ural. It is a vast area, and large parts covered with forest. From the air it is impossible to see what is on the ground and on the ground it takes an expedition and a lot of resources to reach any location.
Yet the Ural region offers some stories worth investigating to ancient alien theoristst like us. In the Komi republic for example, at Mun-Pupo-Nyor, there are spectacular rock formations called ‘The Seven Brothers’ or ‘Seven Brothers and a Sister’. The location is remote and the climate inhospitable. It is a tourist site in Russia, although not much known internationally.
The Ural formations on a mountain top look like statues of giants. The rocks themselves are impossible to climb, even for experiences climbers. They are said to be up to 300 million years old, and it is unclear how they were formed – if they were formed naturally. These Ural ‘statues’ more than 100 feet in height – about a third higher than the Easter Island statues for example. One formation is thought to resemble a bird. All seem to have their own identity. One rock that stands somewhat apart from the others is called the ‘Big Brother’.
There are in fact more than seven formations, but the number seven is widespread in local legends and toponyms. In the local language, Mun-Pupo-Nyor means ‘little mountain of the gods”. Local legend has it that the stone giants once actually lived there, until they were frozen in time.
Now it is not likely that these giants actually froze, but it is also unclear how these formations were made. It seems impossible for primitive men to have constructed them. Unless there were actually giants in the Ural at some point in time, who had access to advanced technology that is no longer available today?