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What Was The Black Figure On The Highway?

Written By Mister Gu on Friday, January 27, 2012 | 8:04 AM


I would like to share a very strange story with you and your readers. As far as it being paranormal or not I'm not sure. I would like to start off by saying I'm not religious one way or another by that i mean that I don't practice a recognized religion (Catholic, Baptist etc.) I am almost 30 years old and this happened approx 8 years ago. I don't know if I do or don't believe in ghosts, specter dogs, dark figures demons and alike but this really raised the hair on my neck and I can't explain what this thing was. With that being said here is my encounter.

I was driving on a divided two lane highway in a town I have lived in all my life with two of my best friends. One was one year younger than me and the other five months older. It was 11:45 pm on a Saturday night and we were returning from a night of billiards where not one of us has been drinking. Both of my passengers were on the other side of the motor vehicle one in the front seat and one behind him in the back seat.

There are no street lights on this road but the moon was full and very clear sky that night. As we passed the exit off the road for the local high school, I caught sight of something in the median, which separates the east and west bound sides of the highway. It was a large dark figure, the only thing I can compare the size and bulk of this "thing" to is an X-Large wild boar which we don't have in the area I live in. At about 150 yards away what ever this "thing" was, it turned and started for the west bound side of the highway, which was the side I was driving on. It didn't matter how fast or slow I drove and no matter what lane I was in, it appeared to remain at the same speed, so it stayed on a collision course with my motor vehicle.

I thought I was seeing things and asked the guys in the car with me if they saw it too too Neither of them appeared to be able to speak, just point and stare in disbelief at this thing on a crash course for us. When I looked back to the road it was too late, as whatever this thing was slammed in the rear driver side door of my four door sedan. The impact was so great that it pushed my car into the breakdown lane and the sound of the impact told me that my sheet metal was severely damaged.

I looked into my rear view mirror and there was nothing there so I figured whatever it was had rolled off to the side of the road. The thing hit with such force that I was sure what ever it was had broken its neck, I was after all traveling at about 55mph.

I stopped the car to check the damage and to my surprise there was not even a mark in the light coating of road grime which covered the door. The panel looked in perfect condition (minus the road grime). My friends got out of the car and they were just as shocked as i was that there was no visible signs of damage. We walked up and down about a half mile stretch looking for some sign of the animal and there was nothing not even a paw print in the light coating of snow that was on the ground. We the three of us were more confused than anything else although the more we looked for what ever this thing was the more of an uneasy feeling the three of us started having. We wrote it off as our imagination running away with us and we set off for home. I dropped off my friends at their houses and then went home to bed with out another thought of this odd happening. About two days later my car started having unexplainable electrical trouble. The gages would go from min to max about 10 times and the needles would wiggle and all the lights would flash but the power to the radio always seemed to be the same. I was a mechanic at the time and could find nothing wrong with the car and neither could two other mechanics that I took the car to. I ended up trading in the vehicle about a month later and the day i took it in all the electrical problems seemed to stop. I have not had another incident like this or vehicle trouble since this incident.

Like I said before not sure if it was paranormal but it realy got me thinking about what this thing could have been.


Black Dogs

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