What Do Dreams Mean?

Written By Mister Gu on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | 8:01 AM


'To all, to each, a fair goodnight,
And pleasing dreams,
And slumbers light!' (Sir Walter Scott - 1771-1832)

Wrapped in our quilts, we usually feel safe for the night, but what if our dreams take us on a terrifying journey...seeming to play on our innermost fears?

Visions and themes we see in our dreams are supposed to be expressions of our unique psyches (psyche:  part of your consciousness - intuitive - spiritual) and desires. The most common dreams are of falling, flying, being naked in public, being chased, missing important appointments and dreaming of dead relatives or close friends.

We dream most vividly when we are in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when our muscles are paralysed. This could explain why when we dream of being chased, we struggle to run away or cry out for help.

REM stages of sleep are important to maintain health. Dream studies (Oneirology) have found that people deprived of REM can lead to memory loss, hallucinations, and in severe cases, paranoid and psychotic behaviour.

The longest REM stage is just before we wake, which is usually the part we remember the most.

'Learn from your dreams, what you lack'. (W H Auden - 1907-73)

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) stated that dreams are important messages, which are designed to be listened to and interpreted. However, some people are unable to recal their dreams, which is known as 'dream amnesia'. Sigmund Freud believed that when we are unable to remember our dreams, it is our subconscious protecting us from startling symbols and desires.


Dreaming that you are falling is interpreted as feelings of insecurity and lack of support. It can also indicate that someone has let you down in your every day life. This particular dream is most common among professional people.

Be cautious of analysing your dream and taking everything literally. Dreaming that you are falling off a high building, does not mean this will happen. The dream could indicate a feeling of powerlessness.

Teach yourself to understand the symbolic nature of your dreams.

Russell Grant, author of 'The Illustrated Dream Dictionary' suggests there is a close relationship between falling and failing. Dreams of falling can also be related to feelings of isolation, and a fear of being without support and love, which success cannot provide.


Grant interprets flying dreams as boasting about sexual prowess. But the important part of the dream is how you fly; are you flying successfully, or struggling to fly smoothly? Grant describes the inability to fly relates to feelings of sexual inadequacy.

However,  actually being able to fly in your dreams symbolises ambition, accomplishment and independence. And dreams of flying are often enjoyed by successful people. Flying dreams are associated with feelings of great happiness and power.


Freud interpreted dreaming of being naked, as repressed feelings of sexual desires. To most, and not surprisingly, dreaming of being naked is disturbing, with fears of being exposed and vulnerable.

If you have ever dreamed of being naked in public, try and remember how you felt and how you and others reacted.


The author of, 'Bedside Dream Dictionary', Candice Janco, states that this dream is the most common and an indication of a felt threat in your waking life. This can take the form of a terrifying person or a highly charged emotion, which you are having problems dealing with. To determine what this dream means to you, try and understand who or what is chasing you. Where does the dream take place? What are your feelings during the chase? Do you get away, or are you caught?


Dreaming of being late or missing appointments can indicate regret over a missed opportunity, or an inability to create a connection, or desire.

The book, 'How to Use Your Night Dreams to Change Your Life', the author, Cynthia Richmond states; asking questions about your dreams, so you can try and understand what a common symbol or theme means to you. Eg, What are you missing? Who is disappointed because you missed the appointment? Is it only you, or are there others in this dream?


Maybe you dreamed of a dead relative who appeared as large as life in your dream. This kind of dream is called a 'visitation dream' and reflects a powerful connection with that person. Often people will finish this type of dream and get out of bed thinking their loved ones are still with us, which can lead to sleep walking.


There is a common misconception about sleep walking and dreaming. Sleep walking does not have anything to do with dreaming as it happens outside of REM sleeping (since our muscles are paralysed in this stage). Sleep walking only happens when our bodies are able to move again and we are out of the dreaming stage.


Why should you keep a dream diary? Doing this will help you understand and interpret your dreams. You will then be able to recognise symbols and images from each dream. You will also discover if you are active in your dreams, or if you are a passive observer.

Keeping A Dream Diary

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The Little Book Of Dreams', by Joan Hanger - an expert on dream analysis throughout Australasia.

Sources: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/how-to-keep-a-dream-journal.html#ixzz1Codsceur

By J Reynolds, copyright 2011 @ World Mysteries & True Ghost Tales

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