Love Transcends Death

Written By Mister Gu on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | 11:35 AM

Love Transcends Death

Some people scoff at ghost stories or the supernatural and think there is no way possible that it could be true. As for me, I believe in it because there have been several strange occurrences in my own family, especially when it came to talk about my mother.

My mother, Alice, was a normal housewife who got married at age 16 to her sweetheart, Leroy, who is my father. They had four children and I am the oldest. I have two sisters and a brother. My mom was always saying weird things like telling Dad that she knew what he had done at work because she had seen it. Yet, she was always right and Dad stopped even trying to dispute her when she talked that way.

My mom died when I was about 30 years old of breast cancer. She was buried in the churchyard of a Methodist Church in Rubyville, Ohio where she and Dad were married. One of the strangest supernatural things that happened occurred on a day when my sisters and my dad were visiting Mom’s grave one afternoon.

After placing flowers on her grave and paying their respects for a while, they decided to drive home. But my Dad suddenly noticed that the gas tank of the car was empty and he didn’t know how they were going to get home since none of them had any money.

They knew there was a small gas station close by that they might be able to get to with the small amount of gas they had, but knew it didn’t matter since they had no money to pay for enough to get them home. When they were about to give up and still didn’t know what to do, the wind started blowing and they noticed something blowing down the hill from the direction of my mother’s gravesite.

As the items got closer, they saw it was a dollar bill rolling over and over again in the breeze towards them. The money landed at my Dad’s feet and the wind suddenly stopped. Dad was shocked and nearly cried. He looked up towards heaven and just said softly, “thanks Alice.” He told us that God helped Mom to help us and with that dollar bill they had enough to buy gas and get home.

This wasn’t the last time that some sort of supernatural event occurred in our family. About 10 years later Dad himself was in the hospital with lung cancer. He wasn’t doing so well and we tried to talk to him when he was able, since we knew it wouldn’t be long until we couldn’t do so.

Meanwhile, dad had a big yellow cat named Rusty. When dad went into the hospital the cat went crazy, and I mean strange crazy. It attacked my sister and acted like it was a feral and ferocious beast. She took it to the vet and he said that sometimes when animals lose their owners they lose their minds and that there wasn’t anything they could do but put him to sleep. They didn’t tell dad what they had done, but just went to the hospital to visit him as usual.

When they got there, Dad said he was glad the hospital had let Rusty be with him because he was happy to see him and it appeared he was petting the air. He insisted the cat was there too. We never told him Rusty was dead, but apparently Rusty was where he wanted to be, with Dad even in death.

By Ronni copyright 2011 @ World Mysteries and True Ghost Tales

Short Ghost Stories


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