Two Short Ghost Stories

Written By Mister Gu on Friday, November 26, 2010 | 4:05 AM


Here is a collection of short  ghost stories, which will be added too progressively.


I am now 71 years old and at the age of 21 I served with the RAF. We were stationed in Cyprus when my experience happened.

I was living in a bungalow with two other Airmen, it was about 0300 hours, they were asleep and the heat was stifling and I couldn’t sleep. I turned over and looked at the door and watched the figure of a young Airman dressed in RAF issue underwear walk from the door, across the room, and he passed straight through the wall. My hair stood on end and I got out of bed and put the light on, which woke the other two. When I explained what happened, they said I was dreaming but NO:

This happened 50 years ago and I can remember it as though it were yesterday. The young Airman was not a solid figure, more like a silhouette and it shocked my nervous system to such an extent, it gave me a speech impediment that took me years to get over.

After my experience, I found out that before I got to Nicosia a number of Airmen had been killed in their beds by EOKA Terrorists.

By Arthur, copyright 2010 @World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales


I was told this story by a friend of mine, who was walking to the stables one day. She had to pass a field as she walked down the long lane to where the stables were.

The time was around 6am and no one else was about. As she passed the field, she saw a woman walking in it. The thing which struck her as strange, was the clothing she was wearing was old fashioned. She said that she had on a long dress, and wore a bonnet.

My friend stopped for a while to watch the woman walk across the field, which led to no where which was near to a house or any other kind of building.  Once the strange woman was out of sight my friend went on her way to the stables, but couldn't stop thinking about what she had seen. So, after this she rang me and told me about it. She seemed quite upset, as she is a logical woman and doesn't really want anything to do with the paranormal.

Strange...wonder if it was a residual haunting. It seems unlikely that someone would be in that kind of dress at that time of the morning.

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By eyepriestess (J Reynolds) copyright 2010 @World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales

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