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Results of X-ray photo Extreme

Written By Mister Gu on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 | 3:51 AM

1. Lance Armstrong
This is the x-ray picture crotch champion Tour de-France, lance armstrong.

2. Bertindikan spear fisherman
Emerson de Oliveira Abreu find a very horrible experience while diving off the coast of Rio de Janeiro when his brain pierced by 6-inch spear. The report said, he himself has a spear which stabbed, shot at the reef, but bounced back, and finally bribe her skull bone so deep. He is under the knife (surgery) for 5 hours before he himself was surprised and stated out of danger. Wow !!!!!!!

3. Unsheathed in skull
Michael Hill of Jacksonville Florida was stabbed in the head with a 7-inch knife by an unknown person who appeared at the door, 2007. He currently holds the Guinness World Records, Title: "Greatest Objects that are removed from human skulls."

4. Chinese girl who's sad
X-ray of Luo Cuifen, a 29-year-old Chinese girl who was found to have 23 sewing needles in his body. Cui fen complain about blood in urine, the end of 2007 and when the doctor did an x-ray her, find a sewing needle float and spread across his body, was lodged in the kidney, liver, lungs and other vital organs. There has been speculation that the needle is inserted when she was a baby, because some needle was broken to pieces. He said that his grandparents certainly responsible for this because they expect the boy when he was born. But this will never be confirmed because both his grandparents died. Her feelings would hurt to know this ...

5. Stabbed Afghan Children
X-ray of a boy 10 years Afghanistan was stabbed in the head in deeply when he tried to protect his father from a customer who has gone berserk. He was rescued and is operated by Britain's Territorial Army Reserve and has survived this horrible incident.

6. Leg of a chair in the eye socket
Horrible. x-ray of the skull Shafique el-Fahkri, 19-year teenager from Melbourne, Australia. He was rushed to hospital last February 2007, after he was attacked by another teenager was 19 years old in a bar brawl at a nightclub. He unsheathed with chairs and one chair leg penetrated his head, just below his eyes directly into his neck. That metal chair gan!

Metals have been successfully removed from teen's head after three hours of complex surgery.

7. Nailgun Accident
X-ray Patrick Lawler, 23 showed a four-inch nail embedded in his head, was taken in January 2005. The accident happened 6 days ago when Lawler suffered construction accident in which nailgun backfired and one nail through his mouth. He did not see the nails in his mouth until he felt only a very painful toothache is accompanied by blurred vision.
After a visit to the dentist she realized what was in his head for nearly a week. It was removed after 4 hours of surgery left him with less than $ 100,000, - hospital bills. Oh no.

8. Toddlers with car keys lodged in his brain
Horrible! Nicholas Holderman x-ray when he was 20 months. He deliberately stabbed with a key in his eye while playing in the living room with her brothers. Doctors remove the key from his eyes, no brain damage. Merciful Lord!

9. Nailgun accident is even more awesome!
Construction worker, Isidro Mejia, fell from the roof, unfortunately falling on top of other colleagues using the nail gun. 6 drove nails into his head Mejia, menghujum his brain and skull base. He survived the surgery!

10. Brave Little Girl
8-year-old girl from Indiana was rushed to hospital after he accidentally swallowed balls of steel and magnetic toy sets. He was immediately operated on, survived the surgery after being treated in hospital for 2 weeks.

11. Dogs penelan knife
A Saint Bernard swallows 13-inch knife in 2005. He's fine after surgery and it happened just leaving 8-inch scar.

12. Comb is a killer.
X-ray Louis Pepe, when he was stabbed by a comb in the skull, in 2000. He lost his left eye and right eye is also affected. Comb caused him a lot of damage: crippled right arm and leg and his ability to speak. The attacker was sentenced to 23 years in prison, not fair ya gan?

13. The risk of having surgery
6-inch surgical scissors left inside the woman's abdomen after surgery. Pat Skinner, have undergone surgery in 2004 for colon surgery in a hospital in Sydney, Australia. 18 months after surgery, he suffered excruciating pain in her stomach. When he did x-rays, they found a 6.7-inch scissors. Traumatic.

14. Knives are haram?
A boy aged 16 was stabbed in the head with a knife in 2007. The incidence of an unusual supermarket.

15. The man with nail in skull
South Korean men complain about a very bad headache and the doctor found a rusty nail on the head rest. Doctors say that the nail was embedded in the skull four years earlier. That's very very long!

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