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The story Most Mysterious People In The World

Written By Mister Gu on Saturday, May 1, 2010 | 10:41 PM

Green Children of Woolpit (two green children of Woolpit) are two children who mysteriously appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England in the 12th century. The girls were sisters, and have green skin (Hulk ???). In addition to the green skin, the second child has a normal appearance as humans most. They spoke in strange languages that are not identified and refused to eat anything except green peas.
After a long run, both the child's skin loses its green color and become a normal color like the color of human skin in general. After studying English they explained that they were from a village called "St. Martin "who was a dark place because the sun never shines there. When he was herding cattle owned by their father, they found a river of light and followed it, until suddenly they were in Woolpit. Some theories state that the second child is a child from another dimension, or aliens from outer space.

Gil Perez is a Spanish soldier who suddenly appeared in Mexico City on October 26, 1593. He was wearing the uniform of the guards Palace Del Gobernador in the Philippines. He claimed that he did not know how suddenly he was in Mexico (hmm ... maybe he is Jumper is first in the world = P). He said, before abruptly in Mexico, he was on duty at the Palace Del Gobernador and said that the Philippines as governor, Don Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas had just been killed.
Two months later, a ship arrived from the Philippines to Mexico brought a few passengers. The passengers in question confirmed the story of Gil Perez that the governor had been killed and the Philippines. Even one of the passengers. One of the passengers on the ship even stated that he recognizes Peres and see it in the Philippines on October 23. After that, Perez eventually returned to the Philippines and continues to live there until the end of his life.

We're not talking about Leonardo On Caprio or film in the Iron Mask Man played by him. Apparently the film is inspired by a mysterious figure in France.
Man in the Iron Mask (died November 1973) was a prisoner held in a prison in France (including the legendary prison, the Bastille) during the reign of King Louis XIV. This man's identity was never known because no one ever saw his face hidden in a black velvet mask. Now we know that since time immemorial, people like to exaggerate a story because of the stories in circulation, we are told that the masks are made of steel that became the beginning of the nickname given to him.

According to a letter given to the head of the Prisons in Pignerol (Bénigne Dauvergne de Saint-Mars), first place the man had been arrested, a man was Eustache Dauger. The letter also instructed to set up a cell that is coated with a door (to prevent people from outside to hear a voice from inside the cell). It also said that when the man spoke to anyone other than for matters related to personal needs (example: "warden .. i want be'ol ..!!" = P), he will be killed instantly. Until now, no one knows who the true identity of this man but there are some rumors saying that he was the brother of Louis XIV, son of King Charles II, diplomats from Italy, and others.

Count of St. Germain, who allegedly died on February 27, 1784 was a nobleman, adventurer, amateur researchers, violinist, composer, and a mysterious. He also showed some skills related to the science of chemistry. Myths, legends and speculations about the St. Germain continued to grow in the late 19th century and early 20th century and continuing until today. Among them there is the belief that St. Germain was an Immortal (eternal life), a chemical engineer who has an "Elixir of Life" (Liquid Eternity), and had predicted the French Revolution.
Since his death, which makes it much Occult organization as respected role models, and some even worship him. Not a few who claim the St.-amit. Germain, or an incarnation of the St.. Germain.

Aka DB Cooper And Cooper is a pseudonym used by a famous pirate and a mysterious plane on November 24, 1971, after receiving a ransom of $ 200,000, jumped from the rear of the Boeing 727 aircraft that dibajaknya. In action hijacking, Cooper was carrying a bag containing the bomb and threatened to blow it up, if he had not given money amounting to $ 200,000 and two sets of parachutes.
Cooper has not been seen since and it is not known whether he survived the jump. In 1980, an 8 year old boy found the money as much as $ 5.800 dollars in chips $ 20 on the banks of the Columbia River in the United States. The serial numbers matched those of money with the money given to Cooper as the ransom money.

Cooper breakout from the rear of the aircraft using a parachute, causing airports started using metal detectors to prevent the same thing happening again.

Fulcanelli is the pseudonym of French chemists in the late 19th century whose identity remains unknown. A lot of mystery that surrounded him, but one of the most popular rumor is a story stating how beloved disciple (Eugene Canseliet) managed to turn lead into gold, 100 grams by using a little powder given to him by Fulcanelli.
It is believed that during World War II German intelligence to search intensively to find Fulcanelli because of his knowledge in the field of nuclear weapons. Fulcanelli had met with a French atomic experts and provide detailed information relating to nuclear technology and claims that atomic weapons had been used by humans since many years ago.

According Canseliet (Fulcanelli students), is the last meeting with Fulcanelli in 1953 in Spain. At that meeting, Fulcanelli 80-year-old should grow younger, and looked like a man aged 50 years (O_O). The meeting itself is quite short, and Fulcanelli again disappeared from the public for good.

On May 26, 1828, a teenage boy appeared in the streets of Nuremberg, Germany. He carried a letter which was addressed to Capt. 6th Regiment Kavalry Germany. Mysterious letter writer brought by Hauser stated that the child is given to him to be arrested since he was a baby, on October 7, 1812, and since then the child is incarcerated in the man's house. Hauser claimed that since he can remember something, he has been confined alone in a dark room the size of 2 × 1 × 1.5 meter with a bed of straw as a bed and a rocking horse hand-carved wood as a toy. Hauser also claimed that the first person to interact with a mysterious man who visited him shortly before he was released, which is always careful to keep his face is not visible by Hauser.
According to rumors, Hauser is the prince of Baden who was born on September 29, 1812 and died a month later. It was claimed that the prince had been switched with a dying baby, prince Kaspar Hauser appeared in Nuremberg 16 years later. In 2002, the University of Munster conduct DNA analysis that compares the DNA Hauser and Stephanie de Beauharnais is rumored as the Mother of Hauser (Queen of Baden). Results showed that DNA sequences are not identical but the deviation is not too far shown that it can not be concluded that they did not have blood relations.

Babushka Lady was the nickname given to the figure of a mysterious woman who looks as president of the United States of the murder, John F. Kennedy. The woman appeared wearing a long brown coat and scarf on his head, as they are commonly worn by women of advanced age in Russia. Tersebutlah scarves babushka who became early nickname attached to him (Russian babushka is a language for grandmother or older women). The woman appeared to be holding something in his face, which is believed to be a camera. She appears in many photos of the scene. Even after the crowd has ended, he still looks in there and take pictures with his camera. Moments later, the FBI requested through a public announcement that babushka lady handed his camera shots (perhaps for purposes of investigation), but she never showed up again to the public.
In 1970, a woman named Beverly Oliver, admitted as a babushka Lady. But because the story contains many irregularities and inconsistencies, he is believed to be a false figure who wants to ride fame = P Until now, no one knows who the actual figure of babushka lady, what he was doing at the scene of the murder and the reason he did not want to give up shots camera.

The Poe Toaster (People who make a toast to Poe) is the nickname given to the mysterious figure who gave tribute to prominent American writer, Edgar Allan Poe by visiting his grave every year on Poe's birthday (January 19). Honor the tradition was started in 1949, a century after the death of Edgar Allan Poe (1849).

Every morning at the date of January 19, a figure dressed in dark untidy visited Poe's grave in Baltimore, Maryland. The figure is then raised a glass of cognac to toast (toast). Before leaving the tomb, she placed three red roses and cognac bottle filled with half living in Poe's grave. 3 roses believed to typify tribute to Poe, Virginia (Poe's wife) and Maria Clemm (Poe-in-law) who are buried in the same tomb. While the intent of a half bottle of cognac itself is still not known. The tradition carried out by Poe Toaster was still continued until now, but believed that it was not done by the same person (probably inherited by descendants of the original Poe Toaster).

Monsieur Chouchani (died in 1968) was a nickname or a nickname given to a figure of Jewish teachers who teach some students in Europe after World War 2. Most of his students later became prominent figures, such as Emanuel Levinas (Philosophers from France, as seen in the next photo), and Elie Wiesel (Jewish Writer, Nobel Peace Prize in 1986). Very little is known about Chouchani, including whose real name is also still a mystery.
No physical works (such as papers, publications, books, etc) from Chouchani, but he left a legacy of extraordinary intellectual through his disciples. Chouchani an eccentric figure, dressed like a bum, but has a very broad knowledge of them in the fields of science, mathematics, philosophy and Talmud in particular. In general, details about the life and writings Chouchani obtained through interviews with his students.

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