There seems to be an increase in the success rate of so called 'spirit communication' these days. I personally do not believe that what comes through are simply ghosts of our loved ones or spirits of people who once occupied a building. I have very good reason to suspect, through personal experience, that we are dealing with extremely powerful and evil forces which are determined to enter our world. This easy portal of access - the ouija board is like a beacon of light...leading the way into our dimension.
You do not have to own a bought board, it can be made very easily.
This short story sent in by one of our readers demonstrates slight, but worrying events, which took place after making a ouija board. These disturbances could get alot worse if not dealt with properly and soon. Any help you may wish to offer Ines would be appreciated through the comment section below:
A few days ago I made a Ouija board out of paper. You know, lets see if these really work, kind of thing… Anyway, I did it with a friend and it moved around and didn’t really do anything much. Until we asked to prove it was there and then these taps started happening. Anyway, it didn’t really say much and I don't really know.
The next day I tried again with two other friends. This time it just went to the number six. I had said a prayer of protection before I played with the Ouija. I knew all the superstitions about six and moved it to goodbye and then ripped up the board. Suddenly my friend saw a white light on the carpet and said that everyone looked weird. Now I keep on hearing taps everywhere. I commanded it to go away and asked my grandparents to help. It worked, until I went back to where I played the Ouija and I heard one single loud tap. I feel as if something is here, and my friend says that the taps are everywhere in her house too and we didn’t do it there.
Could someone please help me?
By Ines, copyright 2010 @ World Mysteries & True Ghost Tales.
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The Dangers Of Ouija Boards
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