One evening around November time, I went for a workout at the gym which was located near to my parents home, at a place called, Beauchief Hall, Sheffield, UK. This was a large manor house surrounded by extensive grounds.
To get to the manor you had to either drive,
or walk up an approximate mile long, isolated road which was known as Beachief Drive. The drive had an old church and graveyard at the bottom and then fields either side as you passed the church. There were no street lamps.
I didn't own a car at the time, so I walked up the drive to the gym; I did my workout and then headed back out of the manor's grounds and back onto Beauchief Drive. There was no one else around as usual, only people who used the gym or ran the manor house used the Beauchief Drive, so unless someone came out of the gym at exactly the same time, then you were on your own.
It was fully dark by now but there was some light from the manor filtering onto the grounds and the top end of the drive, together with the moonlight in a clear sky.
I've never been one to be spooked easily as I am a large, stocky build and train regularly, so I've always felt confident in defending myself.
As I began walking down the drive I heard a rustling noise in a thick hawthorn bush to my right side, I immediately turned and saw a dark head inside the bush turn sharply as though I had startled it. We were almost face to face, only about a 12 inch gap separated us and I could clearly see black eyes staring back at me. I knew it couldn't be an animal as its eyes were level with mine and I stand at 5' 11". I have never been so frightened at the sight of those eyes, they were extremely menacing. I turned away and started running down the drive - not stopping once until I reached the heavily lit main road at the bottom.
I stopped to catch my breath and try and make sense of what I had just seen. The eyes and the way, whatever it was, turning in shock like that, reminded me of the film, Jack the Ripper, when he thought he was about to be caught and he waited down an alleyway, as he turned his head in surprise, his eyes were black. That is exactly how it turned its head. If this was a person, how could he be inside a thick hawthorn bush? it isn't possible.
The next day, in the daylight, I went back up Beauchief Drive and to the top where the hawthorn bush was. I stood looking at it and wondered how anything could have been inside the bush, there was less than millimetre gaps between each prickly branch, it was impossible.
The bush was set back about 4 feet and stood about 6 feet high.
I'm not saying that this is paranormal as i'm not really into this, but I must admit that this has had me very puzzled ever since.
The Dark Shadows
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By David G, copyright 2009 @ World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales.