The 'Men In Black' Mystery

Written By Mister Gu on Thursday, April 2, 2015 | 12:44 PM

As many of the readers know, the infamous 'Men in Black' phenomenon grabbed a foot-hold in paranormal nomenclature after these strange individuals were observed in and around Point Pleasant, WV during the 13 month period prior to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The recent presentation of 'The John Keel Files' on 'Destination America' depicted much of the MIB activity that occurred in 1966-67.

Beyond that specific bizarre period of Mothman, UFO and other odd encounters, the MIB phenomenon continues to occasionally arise after civilian sightings of UFOs and alien beings.

As to their identity and purpose, there are many questions put forward by UFO researchers and enthusiasts. Are they human or non-terrestrial? Who do they represent or work for? Are they dangerous? Are they part of a government or universal conspiracy? What do they want to know?

Here are a few of the more interesting accounts I've collected over the years:

I was born, raised and continue to live in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. I have experienced various paranormal activity all through my life. This includes UFOs, alien abduction and other activity I attribute to alien beings.

The incident that was the most overwhelming was on the night when Grey aliens came to take me while I was pregnant. I simply wanted no part of this. When they approached me from across the bedroom I jumped up and grabbed one of the two beings by its lean neck. I squeezed as hard as I could until I heard a 'crack'. It dropped to the floor as its head fell back across the spine.

The other Grey seemed shocked though it was hard to read an expression. It gathered the injured companion and quickly disappeared in bright light that had originally flooded the master bathroom. I felt very bad about that incident but I had been out of sorts all day and I didn't want to be bothered.

When I was a girl we used to live beside an old cemetery. On some nights I would get the urge to look out my bedroom window. When I did I would notice a tall dark figure that seemed to be watching our house. One evening at dusk while in our yard I was approached by a tall black-cloaked being with a glow coming from its face. It stood and watched me for a few seconds then turned and disappeared.

I have noticed over the years that large dark-colored cars would follow me on occasion. This would happen on highways and mountain roads. My husband and I have also noticed black helicopters flying above us while driving and over our residence.

I saw the video and picture you posted about MIB a few days ago. When I saw the video it shocked me. In July 2006, a strange incident occurred while my daughter and I were sitting on our front porch. I never heard or saw a car, but two of these MIB appeared from around the side of the house and approached us. The pale faced 'men' were dressed in black silk suits, white shirts, black ties, and fedora dress hats. They each carried a thin brief case and walked stiffly as they approached. When they reached the steps they stood still and looked at me. My daughter quickly ran into the house. I then looked into the eyes of the MIB nearest me. The color was a vivid lavender and I felt compelled to continue looking. After a few seconds the nearest MIB spoke in a very clear low pitched voice. It asked if we had 'experienced any unusual activity that I thought that I should report.' It was an odd question but I quickly said 'no'. The being then briefly smiled, thanked me for my time. Both MIB turned and walked toward the road and were soon out of sight.

I can't say that I was scared but I have not had any type of paranormal or alien activity since the MIB visited. I was wondering if people who have had paranormal incidents throughout their life realize the activity ceases after they are visited by MIB? Do these MIB usually appear out of nowhere? I'd appreciate some information. Thanks - Cary M.


MUFON witness report (edited for spelling): "I am an old lady that was startled by someone trying to open my side house door yesterday night. before this happened I have had multiple ufo sightings near my son's house in Death Valley, California. One incident was when we were driving in the interstate and saw two triangles hovering in the sky and presumed to follow us for about an hour. My son is an avid astronomer and now believes in ufos. I personally don't but yesterday night around 10:30 p.m I was startled by a door being slammed, my door being shook. I grabbed my camera and took pictures of a man near my curb. I am frighten for my life. I have called my son and he is coming to pick me up tomorrow. I did not call the police because I am afraid of something happening to me. I hear stories of men in black appearing out of nowhere but I always never believed them, as of yesterday, I do now."


MUFON witness report - Idaho 1952 (unedited): One winter night as I was fast asleep in the west bedroom near the stairs, I was awaken by a strange pulsating hum. Sitting straight up, I turned to the left to see three ghostly figures materialize in the next room as they were approaching my bedside. Please remember that we had no electric and I had never been to a movie or heard a radio show to that point. Two of the creatures looked just like the gray aliens you see in the movies and the one in the center was much taller and looked different. As they got closer they told me to relax and go back to sleep telepathically. The floating sensation I felt helped stop my nervous shaking as I blacked out. The next morning my grandmother met me half way to the kitchen and asks if I was all right. She said that I had sunburn on the left side of my face and looked very tired. in the back seat of the new Buick on our way to the farm I felt compelled to lay down on the floor with my back to the front seat. The telepathic message was like the one I received from the three ghosts. Moments after laying down we t-boned another car on route 13 near Blackbird. Everyone except I was seriously injured and taken to the hospital. The year I believe was 1959 while at the park I noticed about 12 flying saucers to the west of the park. To my great surprise I had a visit the next day while at my friends home that lived around the corner from my grandparents home at 806 Brown St. John's father answered the door to find two Air Force people in uniform asking to speak with me in private. My mother stood with the Air Force officer to my left and the sergeant stood in front as another man entered the room dressed in black wearing a hat and dark sunglasses. I was asked to tell what I saw as follows: I saw bright round objects mostly in triangular groups of three flying in a manner not like any aircraft known.

They were able to stop and turn on a dime and when they departed to an altitude near space they took off so fast that they appeared To vanish at about a 30 degree angle into space. For the next hour the Air Force guys tried to get me to change my story and I was growing tired of repeating myself. I then parroted back one of the officer's stories as a way to make them leave. I noticed the officer look up at the guy in black for approval, as I could see the guy in black shake his head left and right. Now I knew I had to convince the guy in black and realized that the officer was taking his orders from him. So I came up with a better idea that got the approval from the big boss in black. The man in black never said a word to me even after asking him direct questions. He then folded his notebook and left followed by my mother and the officer. There are many other strange stories about hard to believe events, but either you believe or not will make no difference.

This is my recorded statement so others like me will take some comfort in knowing that they are not alone?


This incident occurred not long after the 9/11 attacks and was reported to me in 2010. I've posted this account as recently as a year ago, but it has become a favorite among the readers:

Hello, I had an extremely frightening experience five years ago that I had no idea what was going on, but when I happened to run across a description of the MIB (which I had never even heard about except for passing references to the Will Smith movie), I suddenly realized this is extremely similar to what I experienced. My mouth dropped open at the similarity.

What happened was, I used to be a postal delivery person in Washington, D.C. One of the buildings I always delivered mail to on my route was this huge building. One day I had paused to eat an apple outside the building, and not seeing a trashcan anywhere, I just threw the core onto the ground. When I walked into the building to deliver the mail, I was angrily confronted by the head security guy who asked me why I was littering. I was a little taken aback and asked him how he knew I had thrown the apple core on the ground. He told me that this whole premises was under video surveillance, including not only all sides of the building but even the grassy areas around it. It was then that I suddenly realized this building had really unusually tight security. Even when I went inside to deposit the mail, the mail room was open to me, but the rest of the building was inaccessible. I could only go into the mail room, deposit the mail, and leave. I had to ring a buzzer to be let into the building each time I delivered.

Anyway, a few weeks later, I was on my way to deliver the mail as usual to the building, and as I was nearing the building, I saw three figures crossing the street on their way towards the building. At first glance I thought they were normal. But as I looked closer I was shocked at how strange they were - they were extremely thin, and they didn't walk by putting one leg in front of the other, but sort of waddled by moving their whole bodies from side to side, lifting one foot off the ground, then the other foot in a sort of whole-body side-to-side waddle. It's hard to explain what I mean, but it was not the way any normal person would walk unless they were unable to move any joint in their legs.

But as strange as this was, this was not what frightened me. What frightened me was that they were absolutely thin. It was like they were as flat as a set of clothes that had been ironed. Their faces and bodies were entirely flat - no contours. The nose did not jut out, nothing. And they were also extremely thin. The best I could describe is if you saw a suit hanging from a clothes hanger, that would be about the same thickness. It was like no thickness at all, just clothes hanging from a hanger. All three were dressed in black suits. They all had black sunglasses.

I saw them walk up, ring the buzzer, and be let into the building. I was absolutely scared sh*tless as I had just been about to enter that very same building. I really wasn't sure what to do, but I kind of steeled myself, and slowly forced myself to ring the buzzer and enter the building, figuring, hey, I might have imagined this, in any case I should force myself to go through my routine until I can think this thing out. When I entered the mail room, there were like 10 (normal) men standing there, just looking at me. It was really intimidating. They asked me if I had seen anything. I was kind of speechless for a second, not knowing how to respond. And then one of THEM walked right up to me from the side and from slightly behind me. I could tell it was one of the same types of things that I had seen crossing the street. It walked right up to me and I was too afraid to turn my head to the side and look at it. I am very scared just typing this right now, remembering it. It didn't say anything, it just got right up close to me, and I had a feeling of fear so intense, I felt as if my heart had just frozen and was going to fall out of my body onto the ground. Again, they asked me, "Did you see anything? What did you see?" I just shook my head and stammered, "No, I didn't see anything." Unless they were all retarded there is no way they couldn't have noticed my extreme fright. I thought they might hold me there and not let me go. But finally they said, "Okay, leave now."

The MIB that was to my side and a little behind me, kind of took a step back to make way, and I had to steel myself to actually walk past it on my way to the door and I was out of the building. it is the bravest thing I've ever done in my life

At the time I had never heard of the MIB, I had no idea what this thing was or what the government was doing. All I knew was that I was dealing with something far more powerful than me. I thought maybe it was some new type of robot and the government was doing test-runs on them, but why that would be done in broad daylight I could not and still do not understand. To give you an understanding of how frightening it was, the first thought that came to my mind was that I needed to leave the country - to find some way to get the h*ll out of the country and go somewhere else - but then it occurred to me that if I started to act strangely, they might get suspicious and kill me or something. I realized the best thing I could do was act as normally as possible and pretend nothing had happened.

Later the next week, my supervisor at the post office told me I had been suddenly reassigned from my old route to a new one, something that was unexpected. He asked me if I had encountered any problems on the route - I think even he may have been a little confused at why I was being reassigned. But I said I had no problems and I was very quiet about it. So eventually I got reassigned. After what I thought was an appropriate amount of time continuing to work at the post office, I quit my job and now I work at an airport. I am telling this story now because five years later I need to get this off my chest. I doubt they will come after me now but if they do, I can't avoid my fate. I've never seen any sort of alien or had any sort of unusual life event of any other kind, nor do I believe that there is such a thing as a devil or demons or anything. So I really don't know what to believe now. There is no doubt whatsoever the building was under the control of the government, with normal human beings. I still think it was some sort of cyborg experiment, and on occasion I still am tempted to just leave the country to get away from all this.


Hi - I found your name while searching Google. Something happened to me this week that I can't explain and, I'll admit, I'm scared.

My wife & I live in Medina Co, Ohio. in the greater Cleveland metro area. We've lived here for about 5 years in a two-story house in a residential division.

I received a hand-held radio frequency scanner from my wife for Christmas. Since then, I've been using it, for the most part, to scan the local police & fire channels.

On Thursday evening, I was working at my desk when I heard strange gibberish coming over one of the Medina County Sheriff's channels. I initially thought it was interference, then it started to sound like a conversation. The language was not recognizable and there was an odd humming sound in the background. This continued for about 10 minutes, then stopped. The radio started to scan the channel array.

Later that night, while I was in the living room, the gibberish started again. This time it was much clearer. It sounded as if the parties were having an argument, but I'm just speculating.

This evening (Friday), something very unusual occurred.

We had just finished dinner (about 7 PM) when we noticed a shadow from outside go across the dining room window. I looked out the window but didn't see anything. So I looked out the front door window and saw a plain white van parked on the street in front of our house. Then I heard my wife yell from the kitchen that someone was in the backyard. I rushed to the kitchen and turned on the security lights. Standing on the far side of the patio was a strange looking man dressed in a heavy black bodysuit and wearing a black cap. There were no markings on the suit or cap. I immediately noticed that he had a young-looking face, but very pale with large ears. He was holding what looked like a PC tablet device that would emit an occasional 'beep.'

I opened the door and asked him what he was doing. He looked at me with a blank stare, then started walking back toward the side of the house. I followed him back to the front of the house and to the white van. I asked him several times who he was and why was he there. I never received a response. He quickly got into the van and drove away.

I called the local police and filed a report. The officer mentioned that he was unaware of similar activity.

I didn't sleep well last night. I examined the yard early this morning and I didn't see anything out of place.

This incident is unnerving to us. I have heard of some Men in Black accounts, but I don't particularly find much interest in the subject. Can you explain what, if anything, is going on? Thank you for your time. DD


This account was offered by researcher Albert Rosales:

Sao Paulo, Brazil - February 1980 - night

The witness who for the past two to three months had been followed by three strange men wearing black suits, was standing in front of his house one night when a car drove up and the door opened. The witness apparently lost his will and was compelled to enter the vehicle; inside the same three men he had been trying to hide from met him.

They drove around for a while until they reached a wooded area outside the city. They stopped the car near a large hovering object that was encircled by a luminous ring. The witness and the three men then walked underneath the object and were hit by a beam of light. He suddenly found himself inside the object, sitting on a chair. Suddenly handles appeared on the chair that secured his wrists and an iron bar pressed his forehead backwards while another gadget held his neck. The three men then appeared and suddenly seemed to shed their skin or bodies and transformed themselves into green scaly reptilian like creatures with heart shaped heads. The beings interrogated the witness and spoke of upcoming global events. At one point a door in the room was opened and he was able to see human corpses hanging by their feet from hooks on the walls. Everything went blank after that and his next conscious memory was of standing next to a theater near his home.

Source: Antonio Huneeus, UFO Universe


Hi Lon, I would like to relay an experience I had back in the summer of 2007. To keep this part brief, I was working at a resort 30 mins from Pine Bush, NY. A security guard and myself watched about 8 amber colored diamond shaped lights from the rooftop of the resort. The lights were massive. This took place around 9:30 pm. that night. I reported it on the National UFO Report Center website.

The next day while I was working, I heard a helicopter coming towards the building. I went outside to see it cause it sounded really low. When I got out front, there was a black helicopter hanging above the main entrance. It then went over the building towards the back where there is a small pond. I ran through the building to the back to get a better look. When I burst through the door, the helicopter was hovering about 10 ft above the pond. This thing was a matte black color with no marking whatsoever. It sort of looked like an Apache (Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter). The thing that made me uneasy was that while I was looking at the helicopter, I could see the pilot. He was in all black with a black helmet and visor, the reason I could tell is because he was staring right at me. That part of his face I could see was a pasty pale color. He stared at me for about 30 seconds then the helicopter lifted up and left towards the east. The weirdest thing was that after it lifted off and went over the building, I could not her the blades anymore. It's like it wasn't even there. I've seen numerous UFOs in my area but that was the first time I've seen that and had a feeling of dread. Thanks for all you do with your site. JW

NOTE: This is just a small sample of the MIB accounts I have on file. If you believe that you have witnessed a MIB, please feel free to contact me. Thanks...Lon

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The Real Men In Black: Evidence, Famous Cases, and True Stories of These Mysterious Men and their Connection to UFO Phenomena

Men in Black: The Secret Terror Among Us

UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities

Mystery of the Men in Black: The UFO Silencers


About Mister Gu