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Daily 2 Cents: 'Werewolf' Vs. 'Vampire' Murder Trial -- Harrowing UFO Experience -- 50 Years of Strange Encounters

Written By Mister Gu on Saturday, February 28, 2015 | 8:49 AM

Bizarre "Werewolf" Vs. "Vampire" Murder Trial in California

An Atascadero, CA man accused of gunning down his neighbor has believed he was a werewolf for about 20 years, a forensic psychologist testified Tuesday.

The District Attorney’s Office says Mark Andrews, 51, committed murder when he shot Colleen Barga-Milbury, 52, twice on May 22, 2013. But Andrews has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.

During trial testimony Tuesday, defense witness Carolyn Murphy, a forensic psychologist who interviewed Andrews for roughly five hours, said she reviewed his mental health records, which includes seven or eight hospitalizations.

Murphy said Andrews has schizophrenia and suffers from fixed delusions, which she defined as false beliefs that continue over time.

The first record of Andrews believing he was a werewolf, she said, dates to 1996, though she suspects he had that same delusion during his first psychotic episode three years earlier.

“(He believes) he transforms into a werewolf,” she said, and “holds the spirit of the wolf.”

Murphy said Andrews believed the voice of God commanded him to kill Barga-Milbury, whom he believed was a vampire.

In 2009, according to court records, Andrews believed a different neighbor was a vampire. Andrews left mounds of dirt and flour on that neighbor’s door and once pounded on the neighbor’s door, calling her a “bitch,” though she didn’t answer.

At his home, according to police reports, police found two lists of names, several marked “hate with death.”

Murphy testified that she asked Andrews why he didn’t kill the neighbor from 2009.

“God didn’t tell him to kill her,” she said.

While Murphy said she believes Andrews was delusional when he shot Barga-Milbury, deputy district attorney Matt Kraut questioned that conclusion.

During his cross-examination, he suggested that various people who had interactions with Andrews before and after the murder did not detect psychotic behavior, including police who interviewed him after the shooting, jail staff and the defendant’s treating psychiatrist, who had described Andrews as relatively stable three months earlier.

Murphy said sometimes schizophrenics can control their symptoms and appear more normal, especially if they are taking their medications. Andrews’ mother, Carol Andrews, has said that her son was not taking his medications regularly closer to the time of the killing, Murphy said. - San Luis Obispo


Harrowing UFO Experience

Yorke Peninsula, South Australia - 2/28/2015: Came out to my Nannas & Papa's for tea and they invited there friends over,which they live on a farm in the middle of Hardwicke Bay and Warroka, Yorke Peninsula, SA. I had just finished my tea and I made a phone call to one of my friends from school outside of the office. All of a sudden it was getting a little breezy and I said on the phone to my friend "It's getting a little windy, I'm getting a little cold. Is it windy where you are? and cold?" then I looked up at the trees because I could hear the wind becoming more stronger. Then I looked at my phone again because it vibrated and then I heard like a swoshh... like a whirly wind was happening. I looked up and an object was hovering over the trees. It had yellow and orange lights around it shaped in a disc form, then a beam of a light blue and white came down - not all the way - just a little bit around 70-80cm from the under of the object off the ground, and it kept hovering. I said "I will call you back soon" then ended the call. I was screaming because I had no idea what it was going to do to me because I had no idea what it was. I didnt know if something was gonna jump out or if the object was going to move towards me and make the beam of light which was located under neath the object shine upon me. I was thinking of the documentary that I saw on the TV not long ago which the object beam of light shined upon these people and they were no where to be seen.

The light from underneath fainted and it moved slowly east and I ran inside and got all the adults and I said "Come quickly there is something in the sky that is moving away. It was directly in front of me while I was talking on the phone! Did you not hear me screaming? "Quickly" and they all came running out of the house to see it. When we got out there it was moving very slowly away from where I was standing. As we were watching it we were trying to decide what is was by the lights and shape and the movement. Then as I said "UFO" its lights all switched off. Now its no where to been seen. Now I feel so scared because I have no idea where it came from, how it got here, it just came out of no where! I have no idea what to do. I just don't want it to come back! I definitely don't want to be abducted!! Now I know we are not the only ones on this planet by the looks of it. - MUFON CMS


50 Years of Strange Encounters

In the fall of 1966, a dentist driving down Route 53 through Redding and Weston noticed something unexplainable hovering over the Saugatuck Reservoir.

The dentist, Dr. Harry Neilsen of Darien, later described what he saw as “a large, triangular glow bearing red and white lights” just above the horizon near the large reservoir, a news wire service reported in December of that year.

This event would prove to be the first of many published reports of strange, often red-orange lights in the skies above both Redding and Weston. The reports, found in old newspaper articles and on UFO reporting sites, have been compiled and today, almost 50 years since the first report, Hersam Acorn Newspapers has what may be the first photographic evidence of the phenomenon.

Taken in November and December of 2013, the digital photographs by Wilton Bulletin reporter Christopher Burns show an unnatural orange light moving horizontally and slowly just above the tree-line on the southeast side of the Saugatuck Reservoir, near the Easton/Weston town line.

The light is so bright in the photographs that a clear reflection of it can be seen in the water of the reservoir. Read more at The Weston Forum...includes images



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