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Synchronicity Boom! "Mystery Booms Still Being Reported Daily Around the World" reports Gralien

Written By Mister Gu on Monday, January 5, 2015 | 7:31 PM

Oh I do love these synchronicities!

Today at work, out on the playground, I heard a tremendous boom/jet roar type of sound. So long and loud that the ground shook. Not only was it loud, but it went on for a long time. So … impressive, I guess, … that the children all looked up to see what it was. A few of them mentioned it to me; which is saying something for it to have interrupted their Zombie game.

I kept looking up of course hoping to see something but I saw nothing. True, it was very overcast.

I telling Jim how odd the experience was, and then glanced down at my laptop. On my Facebook page, right as I was telling him about the large and loud sound, this popped up on my page: from Micah Hanks Mystery Booms Still Being Reported Daily Around the World.


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