Lure Of The Vampire - Part One

Written By Mister Gu on Sunday, December 22, 2013 | 1:20 PM



Mention Vampires to anyone now and instantly they will conjure up images…pale complexioned aristocrats, in fine clothes and draped in long, red lined cloaks…hiding fearsome features whilst sulking from shadow to shadow in search of their next victim!

Traditionally, an unsuspecting buxom wench, once bitten by a preying vampire, would spend eternity - neither dead nor alive…but suspended in the dark realms of the ‘un-dead’. Her ultimate task…to serve her fiendish master, and entice further victims into the vampire’s lair. Her only hope of salvation - the form of a wooden stake - plunged with such ferocity and accuracy, as to penetrate her blackened heart.

As romantic and exciting as the above may sound, it is no more than modern fiction, evolved from the imagination of the famous 19th century, Irish writer Bram Stoker. (8 November 1847-20 April 1912). His devilish Gothic character, ‘Count Dracula’ was an instant success and has remained a vampire icon for many, (if not most followers) ever since.

This magnificent ‘story’ is almost entirely responsible for modern media’s obsession to present. Its countless variations are the epitome of vampirism, when in fact true vampirism dates back almost to antiquity…prevailing in many cultures and continents throughout the world.

The Druid’s embraced it, the Celts, the Romans, and for 300 years it was even included in Christian teachings until the Roman’s influence eventually phased it out.

Throughout its passage in time, Vampire Lore has incited scorn, ridicule, disbelief, but always a sense of fear is ignited by its mere mention.

Part Two

Part Three

World Mysteries & True Ghost Tales Kindle


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By Wayne Ridsdel - (Copyright, Wayne Ridsdel 2009 @ World Mysteries and True Ghost Tales)

Pic by, Wayne Ridsdel (Copyright, Wayne Ridsdel.  At World Mysteries and True Ghost Tales)


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