Angel Of Death

Written By Mister Gu on Monday, July 8, 2013 | 5:55 AM

Angel Of Death

Here's a true and very spooky story I recently found in a book called, The Ghost Hunting Files, by Natalie Osborne-Thomason. I have taken the best bits of the story and put it into my own words, so I can share it with you.

Carol was a writer who lived in, Midlands, England with her 16 year-old daughter, Rachel.

Rachel had a heart condition called, 'Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome', which causes the heart to race at times and sends Rachel into a panic. One day, Carol became worried about her daughter after Rachel's heart began racing and her lips turned an unusual blue colour. Carol took Rachel to A & E, where she was rushed into resuscitation and attached to an ECG and blood pressure monitor. Rachel was very frightened and complained of chest pains.

Later in the day, an Irish doctor told Carol and Rachel, she wasn't dying and it was just her medication that needed changing. He also told Rachel he understood how she was feeling and why she was so frightened. Rachel said. 'How can you possibly understand?' He told Rachel, he too suffers from the condition but has it under control now. Rachel felt much better after hearing this and felt easier about returning home that evening.

They both felt exhausted after the events of the day and still a little frightened, so Rachel slept with her mother that night. Carol noticed that Rachel's lips were a little blue again, but decided not to alarm Rachel and so they both got into bed.

After about an hour of sleep, Carol was awakened to Rachel convulsing so violently it caused the bed to shake. Carol then noticed a shape appearing above the bed which took on the form of something which looked half human and with wings stretched out like a bat's. The skin was grey and leathery, but the most terrifying part was its red, glowing eyes. Carol was petrified and climbed on top of Rachel to protect her. Although not a believer in God, she started praying like crazy and yelling at the thing to leave. The creature stayed above the bed as Carol prayed more and more, then the figure started to fade and a shaft of light filtered through the curtains. At that point the terrible atmosphere in the bedroom changed and the beast was gone. Rachel was now sleeping peacefully.

Carol told the author, Natalie. 'I don't know what it was that I saw that night, but I believe it to be the Angel of Death. All I know is that I never want to see it again. I'm a brave person; not much frightens me but that thing did. I thought that the Angel of Death was just a myth or something, but now I feel differently. Rachel has made a good recovery, but I was left depressed and shell-shocked for some time afterwards. I did not feel able to tell anyone about it at first and when I did tell a few close friends, they thought it must have been a dream. I know it wasn't. All I know, I diverted it from its course and am so glad that I did, just by the strength of a mothers love.'

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By Jacqui Stevens, copyright 2013

Source:  The Ghost Hunting Files, by Natalie Osborne-Thomason


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