The mystery of the Voynich manuscript remains, because nobody has been able to decipher it. It is written in what seems to be a phantasy alphabet. The language of the manuscript is unknown. It has over 200 pages (some 100 parchment folios), but some pages seem to be missing as well. The author is unknown.
The Voynich manuscript has different sections. There are many illustrations in the manuscript, that indicate what the sections probably describe. Many illustrations are of plants, but plants that are unknown on Earth! It looks like the plants and their use, for example in medicine, are being described. Other sections of the Voynich manuscript are even more intriguing. Unclothed humans (women) are depicted, in some form of bubbles or wombs, with tubes or perhaps umbilical cords attached. In other images, similar human figures appear with drawings of a zodiac. There are geometrical forms in the manuscript as well, that seem to be astronomical or astrological in nature. Some look like crop circles.
For ancient astronaut theorists, this is all too familiar to ignore. Let’s consider that the author lived in Europe in the Christian middle ages. Could he (or she) have had some form of knowledge that was unacceptable at the time? The fact that the author could write and draw in the first place means that he must have had an established position in society.
What if this person found or acquired some knowledge about ancient aliens, about how humans and other life forms on Earth were created by ‘Gods’ or ancient aliens? He could have devised a code to write in, to avoid any problems.
Or is the Voynich manuscript actually written in an ancient, even alien language, that has been forgotten today? In any case, the mystery remains.