PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT - Tourist guides at the ancient pyramids of Egypt have a simple explanation about how they were built. They explain to the tourists that in ancient times, the river Nile ran right next to the site where the pyramids were built. This made it possible to transport the huge amounts of granite building blocks by boats from far-away locations in the South.
Today, one can still imagine how what this must have been like thousands of years ago. The Nile is still used for the transport of rocks and building blocks by small wooden sailboats. But the sailors of these boats have an interesting story to tell. When asked if they work in the same way as in ancient times, one of them answered: “Of course. But in those days they had no roads or carts. They made the blocks hover with a magic wand. A rock as big as this boat they lifted in this way. And the blocks floated onto the pile by themselves.”
Most people consider such stories to be local folklore. But what if this is to be taken literally? This would solve the question of how the large, heavy blocks were put together to form the pyramids. The Egyptian sailors tell the story very naturally, it is a simple truth for them. Are they the keepers of secret knowledge about ancient visitors that helped build the pyramids of Egypt? Maybe we should take them more seriously.