ANCIENT LEGENDS - Now that the year 2012 has started, many people are becoming increasingly anxious about what will happen this year. By the end of 2012, some form of apocalypse or new beginning is expected, based on ancient legends and prophecies from different cultures.
The Maya calendar and ancient Maya texts are among the sources most quoted. Although te actual Maya sources are far from clear about what will happen in the future, many people interpret them as prophecies about 2012.
There are two mayor Maya sources that say something about world changes, that could take place in 2012. The oldest is an ancient text on Monument 6 at Tortuguero in Tabasco state, Mexico. It mentions the 13th b'ak'tun, a time period that according to the Maya calendar ends in 2012. The same ancient tekst mentions the return, the descending upon the Earth, of the god Bolon Yokte K’u.
Bolon Yokte K’u is a Maya god associated with warfare, conflict and the underworld, but also with creation. He is connected with the World Tree, the Maya symbol for the Milky Way. He is mentioned in several Maya insciptions and has also been depicted by the Maya. In one image he seems to be interacting with the deified crocodile-tree, the symbol of the Milky Way. In others he has a rope tied around his neck or he carries an incense bag. Scholars that have compared contemporary Mayan rituals suggest that these are are worn in celebrations of a change of times.
Now what will Bolon Yokte K’u do when he returns to Earth? Is he even a ‘he’, or one person? The name Bolon Yokte K’u seems to suggest the number ‘nine’, like ‘nine steps’. In the Maya books of Chilam Balam, it is written that a group of nine different gods will descend upon the Earth. They come with sorrow and disaster, but will bring gifts in the end. They will ‘re-order what they once created’.
Bolon Yokte K’u
2012 and the return of Bolon Yokte K’u