SPACE DISCOVERIES - Planet Earth is becoming more and more crowded. Food supplies are not enough for everyone, and the climate is changing. For some time now, scientists have been searching the skies for Earth-like planets, bringing hope that in some point in the future humans will be able to move to and live on another planet.
Planets that have so far been found, are like Earth in some respects, but differ in others. And we are still very limited in the search. In order to properly investigate such planets, we would have to develop the technology to send not only unmanned probes, but also manned flights to other galaxies.
Recently, an Earth-like planet has been discovered with the bright star 55 Cancri. It is described as a transiting super-Earth. It is Earth-like mainly because it spends most of its time in orbit in the so-called circumstellar habitable zone. In that zone, moderate greenhouse heating could allow liquid water to exist on the planet.
Traces of ancient visitors seem to give us some directions. They point to systems, like Orion. But this kind of information is ignored by modern science. It is considered to be the stuff of primitive legends. Well, the only option is a blind search.