Our Haunted Farmhouse

Written By Mister Gu on Friday, October 29, 2010 | 6:59 AM


Our farmhouse is over 400 years old and is deep in the English countryside: My wife and I have lived here for over seven years and we know we share this house with long gone, past occupants...

There are a number of experiences I could tell you about but I shall focus on the ghost or entity that sits on our bed: One night I was in bed with my wife, all the lights had been turned off when I felt someone put their hands on my side of the mattress and pull themself from underneath the bed. I quickly turned over and turned on the bedside lamp only to find no one or nothing there. We had only just tuned off the lights so we were both awake, anyhow I put it down to a body twitch or something and soon enough forgot about it and went to sleep:

Two week's later me and my wife we reading in bed when again I felt something press down on the mattress, this time the lights were on and I could actually see the mattress being pressed down right next to my body: My wife also saw the same thing and we managed to work out that it was not someone pulling themselves from under the bed but and invisible someone sitting on the side of the bed next to me: Both of us don't really get freaked out easy and we put this down to being someone who just wanted to look over me: This has since happened a number of times whilst the lights have been on and off...If anyone knows what this is I would love to hear from you.

Another time my wife had two work colleagues over for dinner, one of them went upstairs and immediately came back down to tell us that we are not alone in this house: We asked this guy what he meant and it turns out he is a practicing psychic, he went on to tell us there are a number of spirits in our top, back hallway: Both myself and my wife have felt them many times and we always refer to them as the family on the back stairs. The work colleague is a practicing pagan and a white witch and now refuses to visit us.

This house three miles away from the nearest neighbors, and just as far away from the nearest road, but with it being 400 years old you'd expect it to hold the echoes or spirits of past occupants and unlike most ghost stories, we absolutely love living here.

By Paul

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