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Mystery of the Atlantis

Written By Mister Gu on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 | 5:10 AM

This world may be a mystery not a strange thing, nobody can be solved even up to now has not been answered .. like this one eternal mystery ... especially if not about atlantis

The myth of Atlantis civilization was first coined by an ancient Greek philosophy named Plato (427-347 BC) in the book Critias and Timaeus

In the book Timaeus Plato tells us that before the strait Mainstay Haigelisi, there is a very large island, from there you can go to other islands,
in front of the islands is entirely inland sea surrounded by the ocean, it is the kingdom of Atlantis. When the new Atlantis will launch a major war with Athens, but Atlantis unexpected sudden onset of earthquakes and floods, not until a day and night, completely submerged under the sea, beyond the great state of high civilization, disappeared overnight.

Elsewhere in the book is the younger cousin of Critias Critias tells the story of Atlantis. Critias was a disciple of the philosopher Socrates, three times he emphasizes the existence of Atlantis in the dialogue. The story comes from oral stories of ancestral man Joepe Critias, while Joepe also heard from a Greek poet named Solon (639-559 BC).
Solon was the wisest of between 7 mahabijak ancient Greece, a time when Solon around Egypt, from where the tomb of ancestor worship knows the legend of Atlantis.

The outline of the story in the book is there a giant continent over the Atlantic Ocean west of the Mediterranean Sea is very far away, the proud with an amazing civilization. He produced gold and silver are innumerable. The palace is surrounded by walls lined by a wall of gold and silver. Bertahtakan palace walls in gold, brilliant and magnificent. There, the level of development
civilization amaze people. Having the ports and ships with perfect equipment, there are also things that can bring people to fly. His rule is not only limited in Europe, even as far as mainland Africa. After the devastating earthquake hit,
tenggelamlah it to the bottom of the sea and its civilization, also lost in the memories of people.

If read from a piece of the story above then we would think that Atlantis was a civilization that is very fascinating. With technology and science at that time was already making it a great nation and have a prosperous life.
But then I have a question, whether it is just a bedtime story for his time or indeed Plato Plato has a strong and authentic bukti2 that atlantis was really never in the life on this earth?
There are a few notes about the efforts of scientists and people in the quest to prove that Atlantis really existed.
According to the calculation of the sinking version of Plato's time the kingdom of Atlantis, about 11,150 years ago. Plato has several times said, the state of the kingdom of Atlantis is told down through the generations. There is absolutely no rekaannya own. Plato went to Egypt and even ask directions of local monks and famous monk at that time. The teacher of Plato is Socrates when talking about the kingdom of Atlantis also stressed, because it is real, its value is much stronger than the fabricated story.
If all expressed Plato was indeed real, then since 12,000 years ago, people have created a civilization. But where is the kingdom of Atlantis? Since thousands of years ago people put a huge interest for these. Until the 20th century since the 1960's, Bermuda sea located in the western Atlantic Ocean, in the Bahamas, and the sea around the islands of Florida have found a miracle in a row the appalling world.
One day in 1968, Bimini islands in the Atlantic Ocean in clusters around the Bahamas Islands, the sea calm and clear like a glass of bright, see-through to the bottom of the sea. Some of the divers on the way back to the islands of Bimini, there is suddenly a startled scream. On the seabed there is a great way! Some divers simultaneously plunging to the bottom, it was also a major road stretches composed of giant stones. That is a big road that was built using stone rectangle and polygon, the size of stone
and thickness is not the same, but the preparation is very neat, bright contours. Is this a postal road kingdom of Atlantis?
Early 70's Yasuel Atlantic Ocean around the islands, a group of coral researchers has taken the core by drilling at a depth of 800 meters on the seabed, on a scientific expression, the place was indeed a continent at 12,000 years ago. Conclusions drawn on the basis of science technology, so much like that described Plato! But is this where the sinking of the kingdom of Atlantis?
In 1974, a ship sea observer of the Soviet Union has made 8 sheets photo if abstracted to form a human masterpiece of ancient buildings. Was this built by the people of Atlantis?
In 1979, the American and French scientists with a highly sophisticated instrument devices to find the pyramid on the seabed "triangle of death" Bermuda sea.
Long pyramid approximately 300 meters, approximately 200 meters high, the peak of the pyramid with the ocean surface is only 100 meters, higher than the pyramids of Egypt. The bottom of the pyramid there are two giant holes, sea water with amazing speed flow at the bottom of the hole.
This great pyramid, whether built by the people of Atlantis? Atlan royal troops had conquered Egypt, whether the people of Atlantis to bring civilization to the Egyptian pyramids? The Americas also have a pyramid, whether derived from Egypt or from the kingdom of Atlantis?
In 1985, two Norwegian sailors discovered an ancient city beneath the sea area "triangle of death". In the photos made by both of them, there are plains, roads
large vertical and horizontal as well as the hall, dome-roofed house, arena complaint (animals), temples, river banks, etc.. They both say absolutely believe in what they find it is the continent of Atlantis as described by Plato. Is this true?

Even more shocking anymore is the research conducted by Aryso Santos, a Brazilian scientist. Santos insisted that the Atlantis is the area now called Indonesia.
In his research for 30 years, written in a book "Atlantis, the Lost Continent Finally Found, The Definitifve Localization of Plato's Lost Civilization" he displays the 33 comparisons, such as area, climate, natural resources, volcanoes, and the way of farming, which eventually concludes that Atlantis is Indonesia. Terasisasi wetland system typical of Indonesia, he argues, is the form adopted by the Borobudur Temple, Pyramids in Egypt, and ancient buildings Aztecs in Mexico.
Santos set in the past that Atlantis was a continent that stretches from southern India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, continue eastward to Indonesia (now) as its center. In the region there are dozens of active volcanoes and surrounded by oceans that blends named Orientale, consisting of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

Meanwhile, according to Plato Atlantis was a continent that is lost due to the eruption of a volcano erupting simultaneously. At that time most of the world is still covered by ice sheets (Pleistocene era). With the eruption of the volcano decades together, mostly located in the Indonesian region (first), then tenggelamlah partially continent and is covered by water from the melting ice. Among the eruption of Mount Meru in South India, and Mount Semeru / Sumeru / Mahameru in East Java. Then the volcanic eruption in Sumatra which formed Lake Toba with Somasir island, which is the top of the mountain that erupted at the time. The most powerful eruption in the future is Mount Krakatau (Krakatoa), which breaks part of Sumatra and Java and others and formed a plateau Sunda strait.
Santos differs with Plato about the location of Atlantis. Brazilian scientists have argued, that at the time of the eruption of the volcano, causing the ice to melt and flow into the ocean so that the extent of increase. Water and mud derived from volcanic ash and the burden on the ocean bottom, resulting in tremendous pressure on the earth's crust at the bottom of the ocean, especially on the coast of the continent. This pressure resulted in an earthquake. This earthquake was strengthened further by the mountains in a row that erupted later and cause a devastating tsunami waves. Santos called Heinrich Events.
In an effort to express an opinion based on the history of the world, it seems an oversight that Plato has made two, one on the shape / position of the earth which he said flatly. Secondly, regarding the location of the continent of Atlantis which is said to be in the Atlantic Ocean which is opposed by Santos. United States military research in the Atlantic region proved unable to find traces of that lost continent. Therefore it is not arbitrary is proverb that says, "Amicus Plato, sed magical Amica veritas." Meaning, "I am pleased to Plato, but I prefer the truth."
However, there are circumstances present that between Plato and Santos agreed. Namely first, that the location of the sunken continent of Atlantis and by Santos was confirmed as the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, the number or length of the chain of volcanoes in Indonesia. Among them is the Kerinci, Gutters, Krakatoa, Malabar, Galunggung, Pangrango, Merapi, Merbabu, Semeru, Bromo, Great, Rinjani. Most of the mountain that has been or is being active again.
It's there's more unique than Santos and his colleagues on their efforts to uncover the mystery of Atlantis. Western scholar happened to come across someone who is able to recall him as a person of Atlantis in a previous life "Ingrid Benette". Several pieces of life and social conditions in his memory still made an impression, as an input in order to feel the high civilization of Atlantis explicitly. And most importantly, give us clues about why Atlantis was destroyed. Below is the memory of Ingrid Bennette.
Intelligence Filled Life
In a previous life in Atlantis, I was a knowledgeable, was promoted as head of the female energy "Crystal Protector" (equivalent to a head of power generation plants are now). This energy center is located in a spacious room that arch-roofed building. The floor of sand and stone walls, in the middle of the room a giant crystal placed on a black pedestal base. Its function is to channel the energy into the entire city. My task is to protect the crystals. This work is not the same as the operational system factory now, but with firmness in maintaining heart, understand his own soul, is an important part in the work, this is an installation that is controlled by the soul. There was a man who was intelligent and smart, he is the "protector" we, other protective women.
Gold colored my hair length, hair bun with knitted objects of gold, just like the Greeks. Hair piled high, with crooked fall bergerai rolls on the back. Every day my hair styled by a hairdresser, this is partly the work routine. Philosophy of Atlantis is believed that "the body is a temple of the soul", therefore, very concerned about cleanliness of the body and how to dress, this is the main thing in life. I wear a long shirt of invisibility, using gold leaf ribbon tied at the waist back after crossed over his chest. Men dressed in long skirts too short skirts, some people wore hats, some not, all made with the same translucent white material. Such as uniforms, but in those days, not at all distinguished, wearing only show a status, symbolizes the maturity of our soul. There is also wearing another color, but of the same translucent material, they wore colored clothes because it aims to treatment. His relationship with the huge imbalance in the body's energy centers, a specific color has a function of treatment.
Communicating with Animals
I often go to listen to the advice of dolphins. The dolphins live in a place specially built for them. A large area of beautiful lakes, giant steps have penetrated into the middle of the lake. Pillar two sides of the stairs is a magnificent pile, while the lake area is connected with the sea through a large canal. In the afternoon the dolphin swim there, playing around, after night fell back into the ocean. Dolphins free to roam, indicating it is a very special place. The dolphins are our best friend and adviser. They are very smart, and a source of balance and harmony of our society. Few people go to listen to language dolphin intellect. I often swim with them, stroking them, playing with them, and listen to their advice. We often exchange thoughts through telepathy. Their energy makes me full of vitality as well as gave me strength. I can walk around the heart suit, for example if I want to go into the wilderness area far away, I closed my eyes and concentrate on the place. There will be a vote "wuung" that light, I opened my eyes, then I was already in place.
I most liked along with the Unicorn (horse fly). They're just like a horse eating grass in the desert. Unicorns have a horn on his head, just like dolphins, we have contacts through telepathic relationship. In relative terms, mind Unicorn is very plain. We often exchange views, for example, "I want to run fast." Unicorn will answer: "OK". We ran together, our hair flying in the wind. Their soul so calm, peaceful cause a sense of respect. Unicorns never hurt anyone, let alone have a thought or evil intent, when it met the challenge though will remain so.
I often feel sad at people today, because it did not believe in the existence of this animal, there is a life coach told me: "The moment when the world back in balance and harmony, all people accept each other, love each other, when it will Unicorn back ".
Environmental Permai Indah
In the northeast there is a plot of Atlantis vast prairie. This prairie spreading the soft scent, and I like to sit in meditation there. The aroma was so warm. Usefulness of fresh flowers very much, it is widely planted. For example, the flowers are blue and white planted together, it's very tempting not only visually, it is necessary for the effectiveness of vibration. Pastures are treated by people who receive special training and high-quality and rich in knowledge. "Experts herb" since the buds begin to treat them, then pick and extract the quintessence of life.
In the work environment in Atlantis, there is rarely a low position. As low as any job, still regarded as important members in our community. Society accustomed to the respect and praise the abilities of others. Who grow fruits, vegetables, and planting of beans is also living in the northeast. Most of the botanists, nutritionists and other food experts. They are responsible for providing food for all our civilization.

Most of the people defined as physical labor, such as gardeners and builders. That would make their body condition remained stable. A small number of them have the intelligence, work arrangements tailored to the level of their intelligence development. Atlantis People assume, that the physical work is more useful, it makes emotions (feelings), they get the balance, angry and depressed mood can be directed at constructively, and besides the human body was born to physical work, it has been proved. However, there are always exceptions, such as feminine men or vice versa, in the end, smart people will lead these people to work that suits their circumstances. Each person will go to the intelligence, acting as his own character, all this is the most basic things.

The whole life of Atlantis is a set of harmony that is not universally tied to the plants, minerals, animals and vegetables. Every person is a part of particles, each person know that their services are needed. In Atlantis there was no financial system, there are only trading activity. We never carry a wallet or keys and the like. Rarely have greed or malice, only determination.
High Technology
In Atlantis no means of flying a model-like "flying saucers" (UFOs), they use magnetic energy to control the rotation and landing, this type of connection means used for long distance travel. Travel only short distances using a pulley which can be boarded by two men. He has a machine that looks like Hydrofoil vessel, the principle of cooperation with flying equipment, also use magnetic energy fields. Others such as food, household commodities or goods that are large, transported in the same manner using a large conveyance called "Subbers."
Atlantis is a great civilization, we communicate using a boat to broadcast news to the various regions. Most of the information received by the "smart people" through the inner response, they have the ability to receive a special manner, is similar to a satellite receiving station, and very accurate. So, their job is to sit and receive the information transmitted from elsewhere. Actually, in the work, the way I operate a large crystal, also done through the liver.
Advanced treatment
In this civilization, there is no severe disease. Treatment method used, all using the crystal, color, music, fragrances and blend ingredients, by developing the effectiveness of treatment overall.
Treatment center is a place that many of his room. When the patient came in, a color will be noted on the wall. Then the patient is directed to a special room to determine treatment. In the first room, well-trained assistants and knowledgeable about the treatment will detect the frequency of vibration of the body. Information is transferred to another room. In the room, the patient will lie on a flat granite, while the other assistants will arrange for an appropriate treatment plan for patients.
After that, rooms will be filled with music therapy, special crystals will be placed on the patient. The whole room filled with a gentle fragrance, last will seem a color. Furthermore, patients were asked to reflect, for the treatment of energy absorbed into the body. Thus, all senses are going well again, "color" to heal the sense of vision, "the smell of plants" heal the sense of smell, "sweet music" to heal the sense of hearing, and final, "pure water" to cure sense of taste. When meditation is done, must drink water from the tube. Energy is very large, like a beam, illuminating the body from top to bottom. The entire body as has been fulfilled. Treatment techniques are always associated with a "magnetic field" and "solar energy", as well as a physical and psychiatric treatment.
Tight Child Education
When the baby is still in the womb, has been given a voice, musical intelligence and guidance of that era. During the womb, "smart people" will provide guidance to the parents of the prospective child. Since the baby is born, parents care for and educate him at home, loved and loving their children. In the afternoon, the children will be left at daycare, to hear music in there, see the vibrant colors and stories relating to how to think positive and philosophical themed story.
Children's education center, located at each place. Children are taught to be sentient beings who have perfect intelligence. Learn to open your mind, body and spirit for they can work together. At the stage of child development, smart people plays a very large, educators have a respectable position in society of Atlantis, usually can only be obtained when age reaches 60-120 years, depending on the growth of intelligence. And is a coveted job everyone.
In all areas, every person receiving education from the age of 3 years. They receive education in the high rise building. In front of the school building there is a symbol of the rainbow, the rainbow is a symbol of central guidance. The main lesson is to hear and see. The students relaxed lying down or sitting, so that the vertebrae were not stressed. The other method is to contemplate, eyes covered with eye shield, eye shield displayed in a variety of colors. In the contemplation, visualization method is very effective. Simultaneously it was also given a tape of the unconscious. When the body and brain in a relaxed state, the knowledge flowing into the big brain memory. This is one of the most effective learning method, because he has closed all channels of information that can divert attention. "People smart" guiding the student, depending on the level of the child's ability to absorb, and make it easier to see a particular talent they have. In this way, every child has equal opportunity to develop their potential.
Positive forward thinking and frequency of vibration is the key element in the learning and improve / encourage an open inner insight. The higher level of vibration frequency on the brain, the frequency of vibration at the higher soul. The more positive awareness of the inherent, the more extrinsic awareness and consciousness reflects pent. When both match, will open the world in a positive insight: If the two do not match, then people will float on greed and power. For the Atlantis, the power to control other people think is not a civilized way of life, and this is not justified.
In our history books, we never feel safe and calm. The character of our uncivilized ancestors still affect our society at that time. For example, selecting animals for experiments. However, intelligence rules prohibit interfering with the hard lives of others. Although we know there are risks, but we should not coerce or punish others, because each person must be responsible for the development of his soul his own. In that society, insecurity is the order to get security. Philosophy is very good, and highly respected people at that time, he is our protector.
Apocalypse that hit Atlantis
I am not married. At that time, people no matrimony. If you intend to bind someone, it will implement a binding ceremony. Binding is absolutely no legal effect or force that binds, just based on mood. Atlantis sex life is very dynamic person to maintain health. I decided to live with him under the impression of sex, intelligence and attractiveness. In those days, sex is an important part of life, sex is as important as eating or sleeping. This is part of "the existence of life as a whole", and besides our physical body did not show our age, generally we can live until age 200 years old.
There is also a man having sex with animals, or with half-human half-animal, for example, the body of a horse-headed man. At that time, people can hold transplantation Atlantis intercross, for the sake of harmony of man and animals in nature, but some people forget this, their goal is the starting point of sex. People who are aware know that this will lead to an imbalance in our society, people are very worried and scared about it, but no preventive action. It's so great to do with our belief, human beings have the freedom to choose, and one should not interfere with the growth of intelligence of others. People who choose animals as opposed to play, usually out of balance in his soul, and considered not ripe.
Advanced Technology of the unjust
In my lifetime, we know Atlantis has reached the end of death. Among us there are some people who know this, however, most people are deliberately ignored, or not interested in this. Elements of material has lost its balance. Highly advanced technology. For example, purified air pollution, the air temperature is adjusted. Advanced technology, until we start changing the composition of air and water. Finally this led to the destruction of Atlantis.
Four principal elements namely: wind, water, fire, and soil is the most fundamental of these galaxies and our earth, the most stable material base. Trying to integrate or alter these basic elements have violated the laws of nature. Scientists working and living in the western Atlantic, they "succumb" to the greed for power and personal honor mean to "control" 4 constituents. Now nature know, this has resulted in total destruction. They thought themselves above others, they fantasize as a figure of God, wanting to control the basic constituents of the star.
Toward Doomsday
Divination "doomsday" never circulated widely, but the only people who are smart and who follow the spiritual path knows the cause. The end of our civilization is only caused by a handful of people! Forecast says: "The earth will rise, the new Mainland will appear, everyone started to fight again. Only a handful of lucky people will live, they will spread in all directions in a new land, and the story of Atlantis will be down through the generations, we will return to the past ". Interesting lessons, the dolphins never told us today "doomsday" will arrive, we know times are getting closer, because he had two weeks did not meet the dolphins. They were told when we would go to a quiet place, and keep the crystal ball, dolphins tell us to go safely to the west.
Many people left Atlantis to find new land. Some went down to Egypt, there is also ahead of "doomsday" abandon ship Atlantis with the boats, to a new land that does not exist on the map. These lands are not part of our civilization, and therefore not in our protection. Many felt disappointed and left us, actively looking for an advanced and secure environment. Therefore, Atlantis hardly a newcomer. However, after a few trips to the mainland is "weird", they returned safely. And the state of his country at least have told us the knowledge about life outside of Atlantis.
I chose to stay, ensuring energy crystals no damage whatsoever, until the end. Crystal always supply energy to the city. As recent weeks, closed by a protective transparent crystals are made from special materials. Maybe someday, he will be found, and used once more for good intentions. When the crystal was found, he will prove the civilization of Atlantis, while others who did not reveal the mystery unfold over several centuries.

I still remember the day the longest, the last day, last minute, the earth aground, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, catastrophic fires. Earth's plates collide with a bang. Earth is ruined, the people on the roof of the building curved crystal being welcomed on arrival. My soul is very quiet. A building was shaking hard. I pulled one into the wall, we hugged each other. I hope to soon die. In the sky thick smoke rolled, I saw the earth gush lava, coloring the sky red flames. Room in a house filled with smoke, we were very crowded. Then I fainted, then, I remember my spirit fly toward the light. I looked down and seen the land is sinking. Turbulent sea water, swallowing everything. People ran in all directions, if no water is swallowed massive crater must have fallen into the fire. I heard a voice clearly screams. Earth like a giant kettle of boiling water, like a hungry beast, bite and swallow all the prey. Sea water has drowned the land.

Through the memory of Ingrid Benette, known level of technological development the nation of Atlantis, in contrast with our present civilization, and even his experience will be materially different from modern science, otherwise similar to the ancient Chinese science, developed in other ways. Civilizations such as this far exceeded the current civilization. Hear it just like reading a fictional novel. Compare with the present, the ability of people of Atlantis are all concerned nations, and even has supernormal abilities, able to communicate with animals, who noted people today are smart and talented, fed a variety of knowledge, but ignore the power within.
Atlantis Nations concerned with "intelligence of the soul" and "body" to develop all the potential latent in the human body, it makes the civilization they can thrive in the long term and the main cause of the imbalance does not cause symptoms. Concerning the extinction of the civilization of Atlantis, decent people are now contemplated. Of Plato described the destruction of Atlantis in the dialogue is as follows:
"The law applied Lord of the Sea makes the people of Atlantis lived happily, justice, Lord of the Sea have a high respect from all over the world, the rule of law engraved on a copper pole by the kings of the past, copper pole placed in the middle of the island temple of the god of the Sea. But the people of Atlantis begin to depraved, those who had worshiped false gods to be greedy, wants a good life and refused to work with a living spree and luxurious. "
Plato that are often sad to human nature says:
"Glimpse of the pure mind pure slowly losing its color, and covered by a surge of lust evil, the people of Atlantis decent start enjoying the great fortune doing indecent acts, a wise person can see the character of Atlantis nation increasingly degenerate, their virtues natural slowly lost, but lay people who are blind is actually possessed by lust, unable to distinguish right or wrong, still happy, he thinks all of the gifts of God. "
The destruction caused by a handful of human civilization, many know why, but most people ignore it, then the resulting large catastrophic landslide, in morals and can not be helped. Thus, a small number of people making mistakes is not so scary, scary is when most people "ignore errors", to "allow changes" further tacit "agreed to evil", can not distinguish right from wrong, the news of the errors resulted in the gap nature human, morally degenerate society violent, pushed civilization to a dead end.
We as modern people, it can make the lessons of history as a mirror, reflecting back the knowledge we develop, who knows life only on the basis of objective introduction to the real material world, and ignores the nature of life in the soul. True meaning of life, gradually became a business meeting material desires, such as scientists of Atlantis, a handful of people subject to greed, not defend the truth, for the sake of power and glory, to develop technology that is wrong, damaging the environment. Are we doing the same mistakes?

About Mister Gu